Chapter 33

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QOTD: friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, or enemies to lovers?

QOTD: friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, or enemies to lovers?

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The first week was the hardest.

Everywhere I went, it felt like I was searching for them. Mom and Dad tried keeping me busy all the time, but I couldn't always be around them. It felt tiring acting like I was fine in front of them all the time, and I felt like a bother.

So I forced myself to be alone. Not always, but sometimes.

And while I was alone, all of my thoughts were theirs and theirs alone. Kyler and Rylan didn't know it, but I thought of them until it hurt and I wanted to run back home. But I am home.

Penelope looked different. She still had the same glasses, hooked nose, and thin smile, but her hair was blonde now. "Your hair looks nice." I mumbled, just so she would stop staring at me. Personally, I liked the brown more.

"I thought a change would be nice." She sat back in her chair and smiled. I felt alone and stranded on the large couch in front of her, I wished it was smaller. "I noticed you changed too. You've been working out a lot. Did you get that personal trainer you wanted?"

"Yeah." I picked at my jeans. "I did."

"And how was that? You have a lot to show for it already."

How was that? "It was.. good." It was good and still is good, it's just different now. "He's an important person to me."

She smiled. "Really? That's great, Chet. Last time we talked you were really cautious about making friends. It's good to hear how much progress you've made."

Yeah, I made so much progress and that's why I'm in therapy again, I thought dully. "He's my boyfriend." I mumbled, eyes focused on my jeans. "Or.. No, just my boyfriend." Ex didn't feel right.

This seemed to surprised her and I realized Mom really hadn't told her anything in detail about who my boyfriends were. "Oh." She nodded. "Well, that's still good that you've made progress. You have to start as friends if you want a lover, yeah?"

Friends. I never considered Kyler a friend. He was someone I looked up to, and then he was someone I dated. Not a friend. "I guess."

"About what about Rylan?" Hearing his name had my stomach turning. I didn't tell her, Mom must've. "How did you two meet?"

"At a bar, he's a bartender there." She wrote something on her notepad and I wondered what. Was it necessary to remember where he worked? "I liked him right away." I told her. "He was.. my first kiss."

Her smile grew as she wrote something else down. "First kiss. Those are always pretty special." I couldn't disagree. "If you're comfortable, go ahead and tell me about them both. I won't ask questions, you can just talk freely."

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