Chapter 27

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i was typing cute and it autocorrected to chet. what do i do with this information god has given me

 what do i do with this information god has given me

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Lucas stared at me for a good minute. To be fair, I would've stared too. "Wow." He finally mumbled and then let out a quiet snort. "Thought I was gonna die for a second there." He scratched his stomach and continued to the kitchen as if nothing happened. "Why are you here?"

"Sleep." My eyes threatened to close as I squinted at him.

I didn't plan to stay the night. I was gonna drop Chet off, maybe grab a jacket, and then drive back home so I could sleep the day away. I only got to the jacket step.

Feeling like I could fall asleep any second, I decided last second it probably wasn't best to drive home when I'm that tired. So here I was, crashing on their couch with a jacket draped over me.

I could've crawled into bed with them but Chet finally went to sleep and I couldn't bring myself to wake him up. "You look pitiful." He stared down at me while slowly sipping water from a straw.

Too tired to tell him to fuck off, I rolled onto my side and shut my eyes. He continued to stare while I willed myself to sleep. It was pitch black behind their curtains and I was slowly getting annoyed that he was awake and bothering me. "Go away." I mumbled.

"But you look so cute." His straw rattled. "Curled into a ball like a little kitten." My eyes peeled open to stare him. It was hostile. "Oh? Did you not like that comparison? Maybe a puppy instead."

Driving home half asleep seemed a lot more appealing all of a sudden.

Thankfully he stopped teasing me and went to switch off the kitchen light. Just as I thought he was gone, I felt a weight suddenly drop on me. It was light and soft at the edges. "Night."

My hands gripped the blanket he tossed, suddenly grateful. I didn't shiver when I fell asleep for the second time.

The next time I woke up, light seeped through their curtains. I was used to sleeping in the day with light, no matter the amount of blackout curtains I had, so that did little to wake me up. It was the feeling of being watched that had my eyes peeling open.

Too tired to startle, I could only stare up at Kyler silently. His hair dangled over the couch in a mess of black coils. His eyes appeared just as dark, if not darker.

My chest rose unevenly. I was too tired to react but I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. "Scary." My voice was soft, barely audible in the quiet room. "Do you have a hobby of watching people sleep?"



His lips twitched as he leaned up. I thought he might wander off someplace else but he joined me on the couch instead. Only running on two hours of sleep, I didn't bother sitting up.

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