Chapter 8

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ik ikkk it's been more than two months since my last update i'm sorry ;(

QOTD: how are you rn?

They look nice in my apartment

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They look nice in my apartment.

Too bad Lucas is here. He always finds a way to ruin something.

I thought about leading them to my room and kicking the door shut. Though, it might not be appropriate, especially since they came to help Lucas move his stuff to their place.

"Don't make it that obvious you wanna fuck them."

My eyes reluctantly tore away from Kyler and Chet to look at Lucas. "I'm not."

Yeah, I was staring at them. I could admit it, but not for the reasons he was probably thinking. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely wanted to fuck them, but they've only been here for thirty minutes and something felt weird.

I couldn't exactly explain what I was feeling when I watched them, it felt like nothing and everything all at once.

Lucas, being the lazy asshole that he was, left them to carry his bed frame down all the stairs, being too big to fit in the elevator. "You're not even gonna help them?"

"Do I look as big as them to you?" He gave me a blank look. "I'd just get in the way." Lucas was tall himself but next to them he looked much shorter than he actually was. So yeah, that's fair.

Making sure they were heading downstairs and out of earshot, I turned to him. "You met up with them to sign all your papers and looked at their place, right?"

"Yeah, I've been there twice."

How do I ask this without sounding stalkerish- I leaned against the kitchen island and squinted at nothing. I'll probably come across as obsessive no matter how I word it.

"They're acting.." My voice trailed off, still trying to find the right words. "Like- do you notice anything weird with them?"

He set his drink down mid sip and turned to me. "You noticed too? Yeah." He nodded. "I think they want me to pay them."


"I thought it was weird that they said they'd help for free but I think they're changing their minds since they're lifting everything heavy."

"Okay- that's not what I was talking about. And you're not paying them?"

"Do I look like I'm rich? I'm moving out because I'm so fuckin' broke."

I nudged his foot. "Go help them then."

"You're not doing anything." He pointed out.

I gestured to the freshly made fruit punch on the counter. Well, I got a pitcher of water and poured some powder in it. "I got refreshments, and it's not my shit. I helped you pack it all."

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