Chapter 4

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QOTD: how many words do you consider long in writing?

Huddled under my blanket, I stared at my phone and clicked onto the next video

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Huddled under my blanket, I stared at my phone and clicked onto the next video. This will help.

After leaving the bar, I quickly realized just how popular Rylan was. While he talked to Kyler and I, he was constantly waved over to make drinks but a lot of the time, people just wanted to talk to him.

A group of girls even coaxed him into taking a shot with them, before he pretended to chase it with some beer so he could spit it into the bottle. He's a people person, I thought sulkily. I want him to pay attention to me.

He oozed sex appeal, playfully flirting and flashing a pretty smile at anyone willing to take it. Smile at me like that. Maybe it was better that he didn't, it seemed a little fake but it helped him wrack in tips so I was left a little impressed.

Kyler even mentioned that he should quit his job and become a bartender, after noticing all the tips they were making. The thought had my mind short circuiting.

Rylan and Kyler in that uniform? I don't think I'd mentally be able to handle it.

Before Kyler basically dragged me off to his car, Rylan apologized, saying his shift wasn't over for a few more hours. "My next day off, alright? You better be free on Tuesday."

On the way home, I texted all my friends I'd be busy and not to bother me. Most of them texted back that they weren't even thinking about it, making me sulk, but Harrison told me to have fun so I felt better. He's so nice~ I should facetime him when I get home.

I didn't. Instead, I threw my blanket over me and dove into bed.

Time to watch porn.

Right now, I was on my third video. Oh, I blinked at my screen, you can fit two dicks in there. I'd never thought to do that before. I'll have to ask Harrison later.

This is purely for studying. After seeing how many people openly flirted with Rylan and how easily he responded, he must be experienced. Did I kiss him weird? What if I have sex weird?

We're probably gonna have sex on Tuesday, right? He mentioned sex when he came over like it was nothing, it must be something casual for him so it's probably normal to have sex right away.

I always thought I'd save my first time for when I was in a relationship but if it was Rylan, I felt okay. It'd be embarrassing to admit, but after he mentioned it, I couldn't help but think of sex with him.

He can't say it so casually and expect me, a virgin, to not have those type of thoughts about him-

I'm gonna study these videos so I can make him feel good, I decided. This way, I'll seem a little experienced and he'll like me more. I really want him to like me.

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