Chapter 24

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Chet was being odd

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Chet was being odd. Not a bad odd, but odd.

Ever since a few days ago, when he woke up startled, he's been acting different. It was hard to explain to someone who didn't know him. His smiles were just as bright as they normally were, his touches just as shy, and he was just as talkative as he normally was.

But it's like he's going backwards in our relationship.

I thought he'd started feeling better- or more secure in our relationship but the past few days tells me otherwise. He's been acting clingier. I was used to it, but it was even more now. Especially with Rylan.

If Rylan could tell, he didn't say anything. He didn't seem to mind if he did notice the slight difference. He responded to every one of Chet's calls when he could, he texted him back within minutes, and went out with us as much as he could.

But it never seemed like enough for Chet.

Like now. Chet usually always kept his door open so I was easily able to peer into his room and see what he was doing. He was in the same position he was in last time I checked, which was over an hour ago.

Laying on his side, his phone was held close as he waited for Rylan to text him back. Rylan probably wouldn't for a while, at least- not until he went on break.

"Hey." I called softly and watched his ears perk. He turned to me and I watched as his whole face lit up. I fought a small, fond smile off and tilted my head towards my bedroom door. "Come sleep with me."

If possible, his face got even brighter. "I can?"

"Mhm, you're gonna be my pillow so c'mon."

Sammy jumped off his bed first- more like flung- before Chet got up too. They both followed me, tails wagging happily in unison. This time, I couldn't stop the soft laugh threatening to escape. Cute.

I clicked my door shut and locked it so Sammy couldn't get out. He, apparently, could open doors now. I've yet to see him do it but Lucas insisted he could. Whenever he tells Chet to confirm it, he simply ignores him.

When the three of us were settled in my bed with my lamp as the only source of light, I found it was no different from being in his room. He was still laying on his side, phone close to his face, while he waited for a text.

I watched him for a moment. He used to always be giddy about texting Rylan but he's never waited on him like this. "Aren't you bored just watching your phone like that?"

"No." He mumbled softly.

"Not tired?"

He denied again. "Not yet."

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