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The next day at school Louis was looking for Harry, starting to worry when he didn't show up for math. He looked for him during lunch and since he didn't find him, he decided to try and call him.

"Harry!" He almost yelled when Harry picked up the phone.

"Buongiorno(good morning)" Harry said with a raspy voice that Louis thought it was kinda hot-

No. He didn't just think that.

"Harry where the hell are you?" Louis asked.

"I- I was sleep" Harry only said before checking the time and oh shit it was late.

"You skipped school Harry" Lou said.

"Cazzo(shit) I did not realized, uh...I arrive" Harry  wanted to hung up put he heard Louis speaking up again.

"Hey Harry, are you coming over later?" Louis asked shyly.

"Yeah sure" Harry said a bit confused since they weren't supposte to meet on Wednesday. He got up of the bed after rubbing his eyes and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth.

When he arrived downstairs, he grabbed an apple from the kitchen and after yelling a 'io vado' to his mum, wherever she was, and he started driving to school.

When he arrived there, there was just one class left so he decided to wait for Louis outside eating his apple. When he finally showed up tho, Harry felt the word falling apart.

Louis was hand in hand with a brown haired girl, she was really pretty, her eyes were a dark brown and she was wearing a skirt and a withe shirt. He was laughing and she was smiling at him like he was the love of her life.

Oh please, there are fucking 19.

When Louis saw Harry's car, he said goodbye leaving a kiss on the girl's ceek.

Like what.

He then made his way to him but was left speechless when as soon as Harry saw him he drove away. "Harry wait!" Louis yelled as he saw the hurt expression on his face. He didn't knew what he did wrong though, what made Harry so upset?


Harry was driving as fast as he could, only stopping when he found a empty field. He knew he could stay there as much as he wanted, his father probably owed the hole town already.

He stopped the car and felt a few tears running down his cheek but was quick to wipe away. He didn't need to cry over a definitely straight boy that he knew since, what, two days? He really didn't.

He put his head between his hands, wondering why he was so fragile and vulnerable. He wasn't supposed to be this way. He decided that he didn't want to fall in love again, never again after the last time, a boy called Sebastian, but that's another story. The only issues was, well an other boy called Louis.


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