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"Ni, I love you, but why are you even asking? What answers are you expecting from me?" Harry asked. Niall had been trying to convincing him to go to a damn party all week.

"I'm sure your answer will be yes, because Jimmy is gonna be there"Harry gave him a murderous look. "What? I've see how you two flirt" he smirked.

"Niall tu sei pazzo" Harry sighed. "You're crazy" he translated. "I don't like him one bit, I was just trying to be nice"

"Are you sure?" Niall asked, still smirking.

"Niall what's wrong with you today? I'm still not over Louis, like at all" Harry explained, rubbing his hands on his face.

"I know you're not, in fact, a party could help you move on!" Niall exclaimed.

"Oh yeah? How" Harry asked, knowing very well what Niall was going to say.

"Well, you said you don't like Jimmy, so maybe, you could find another lad" Niall explained. "Someone you like"

"Okay, we are going, but I told you, I'm not over Louis" the curly boy sighed.

"But you should move Harry! Because-" Niall stopped
not really sure if he wanted to finish the sentence.

"Because?" Harry asked.

"Harry, it's been two weeks and...Zayn and Liam saw him yesterday with uhm...a girl"

Harry froze. He didn't think Louis would've move on so fast. For some stupid reasons he still thought they had a chance, they weren't over. Somehow that day in the bathroom made him understand that maybe Louis wasn't over him neither, maybe he just needed time.

"Hey, it's alright" Niall reassured him, embracing his best friend. "It's gonna be alright"

"It's not" Harry whispered.

The blonde boy sighed, knowing that Harry was right, it wasn't.


"Louis, I don't think it's a good idea to go to a party now, I mean, you are not okay, you broke up with Harry like two weeks ago!"Liam argued.

"Liam, I'm fine" Louis lied. "I'm completely fine and ready to go to a party, I mean, it's just a party"

Liam gave him the look, before he sighed. "Fine" he accepted. "We can go"

"Yes! I'll tell the others to get ready for tonight" Louis exclaimed as he got up from Liam's couch to get his phone.

"Are you gonna tell Eleanor too?"

Louis froze, shutting his eyes. He had been hanging out with Eleanor lately, and honestly, he didn't like her one bit. Well, yeah, she was hot, brunette, really pretty, but he wasn't with her because of that. The truth is that he saw Harry talking to a guy and, he didn't know why, that made him extremely jealous. The boy slowly turned around to face his best friend, without opening them.

"Are you?" He asked again.

"I- I have to" Louis stuttered, slowly opening his blue eyes and looking down.

"No Louis, you don't" Liam denied. "You don't have to stay with her, so why are you doing this? Uh?" Liam asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm not- I'm not doing anything" the blue eyed boy said.

"Listen Louis, I'm not gonna force you to do anything, but maybe" he raised his hands up in defense. "Just maybe. You should look around a bit. There are a lot of things you didn't notice, and there are a lot of things you think the others don't notice" Liam explained, sitting on the couch again, but this time dragging his best friend with him.

"Like what?" Louis asked as he sat on the same spot as he was before.

"Louis darling, didn't you notice how sad Harry is? He's literally a living dead, have you seen him? He looks so sad and tired all the time and he doesn't even smile anymore" Liam said. "And Lou- we notice things too. You look like you are going to pass out in any moment, you look exhausted, you can't keep your eyes open properly, and do you think we didn't notice those signs under you're eyes? You've been crying a lot lately"

"I- I-" Louis sighed, covering his face with his hands. Because Liam was right. He hadn't been sleeping at all and he had been crying a lot. Truth is, he did miss Harry, every moment with him. And maybe others things, but Liam didn't need to know that.

"And I know this is a hard time for you" Liam continued. "I know about Greg, and I know about Derek, you told me about the text, I know it must be extremely hard for you but-" Liam put his hand on Louis' shoulder. "Pushing people away is not the answer Lou"

Louis stared at him, his eyes starting to close, he didn't know what to answer, the words just didn't came out of his mouth. Everything Liam said was right, he knew that, but for some reason, he was too proud to admit that he needed help, that he couldn't do things on his own, that he needed someone, that he needed Harry.

"Get some rest now" Liam suddenly spoke. "If tonight we are going to this party you should be able to walk at least" he joked.

The boy giggled. "Yeah, you're right" he declared as he laid on the couch.

"I'll tell the others and bring you a blanket, 'Kay?" Liam asked softly. Louis just nodded, so Liam turned around and started walking away.

"Liam?" Louis whispered.

"Yeah?" Liam asked turning his head.

"Thank you"

Liam just smiled, before leaving completely the room, leaving Louis finally able to sleep. When he woke up again, he smiled as he felt a soft warm blanket embracing him. He slowly got up, rubbing his eyes as he searched automatically for Liam.

"Look who's awake" Liam smiled as he entered in the room.

"Hi" Louis smiled back. "What are those?" He asked as soon as he noticed that Liam was holding some clothes.

"For you" Liam thrown them on the couch next to him. "You have 30 minutes before we have to go. The others are already there" Liam explained.

Louis nodded, then sighed. He couldn't help but think about the the little possibility that Harry would be there, and even tho he knew he shouldn't, he kinda hoped so.

1k readers, thank you so much!!

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