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"Babe" Harry called.

"Yeah?" Louis replied turning to the side so he could face Harry, who was laying on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked. He had noticed that Louis was a bit off in the past days, but he didn't say anything before.

"Yeah" Louis simply said, before turning to the other side again. Truth be told, Louis wasn't okay, he wasn't okay at all. He was constantly scared that someone would ring his doorbell and that person would be Greg, or even worst, Derek. He didn't dare to talk to anyone about it, because it made him feel weak and he didn't want other people to see it, especially his friends, he needed to be strong for them.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked again.

"Yeah..." Louis trailed off.

"Okay...you know you can talk to me right? You do not have to hide things from me" Harry said as he cuddled deeper in his arms.

"I'm not hiding anything from you, baby" Louis lied as he rubbed Harry's back.

"Then tell me? I'm really worried about you Lou" he questioned looking up at his beautiful boyfriend.

"I just- I don't know, I guess I'm scared" Louis said truthfully.

"What's scaring you amore?" Harry asked.

"Derek" Louis declared. "Greg, I don't know"

"What about Greg?" Harry asked confused. He didn't know anything about the problem that he had with him, since neither Louis or Liam had said a word about it.

"He uhm...well first he called you beautiful, right in front of my face" Louis said angrily and Harry chuckled. "And second, he- uh...he probably has something to do with Derek, the guy who took me" Louis explained.

"Oh?" Was all Harry could say. "Why didn't you tell me that before" he asked, and Louis could hear something in his voice, maybe...anger?

"I uhm... I'm telling you now" Louis said.

"But why didn't you tell me before, I deserved to know" Harry said sitting on the bed to look at his boyfriend.

"I don't know, I didn't think it was relevant" Louis said truthfully.

"Oh so you could be kidnapped again but it's not relevant, certo" Harry snapped as he got up from the bed.

"I don't kno- where are you going baby?" Louis asked getting up as well.

"I was devastated when you left me, I can't even think about that happening again, do you get that?" Harry asked angrily.

"Yoo slow down, I didn't left you Harry" Louis answer getting angry as well. How could Harry say something like that? Like it was his own fault.

"Certo come vuoi(yeah whatever)" Harry said walking away.

"What was that?" 

"Ho detto come vuoi, fai come ti pare, non mi interessa Louis, certe volte mi fai proprio incazzare non riesco nemmeno a guardarti(I said whatever, do whatever you want, I don't care Louis, sometimes you piss me off so much I can't even look at you)" Harry said looking at Louis.

Louis just stared at him, Harry knew he couldn't understand that, that's why he was talking in Italian. "You know I can't understand Harry"

"You fucking should" Harry snapped.

"Uhm I'm sorry if I'm not a fucking spoiled kid with a rich family who knows one hundred languages" Louis said sarcastically. He had really lost his patience.

"At least my father is not a fucking coward who killed himself"


"Lou-" He tried to explain but stopped as soon as he heard the doorbell rang. And suddenly, all of his fears became true. He looked up to meet the blue eyed boy's face, and by the horrified expression he had on it, he knew that that there was something wrong.

"Get under he covers and don't make a noise" Louis said, starring the window in his room before the slowly going downstairs to open the door.

"Louis I-" Harry tried to ask but stopped as soon as Louis glared at him, motioning to get under the covers, which Harry quickly did.

"Lewis? It's Greg. Let me in one second" Greg spoke from the other side of the door. Louis walked slowly towards the door, but stopped a few meters away so Greg couldn't see his shadow.

"Are you alone?" Greg asked, and when he didn't get an answer, he continued. "Is there the curly one with you? Damn he's so hot" Greg teased.

Louis just waited, hearing closely to understand if he was alone, and by the noises he was making, it seemed like it.

"Lewis, open the fucking door" He continued knocking faster this time.

Greg was surprised when he heard the door unlocking and then the blue eyed boy appearing in front of him.

"It's Louis" he said.


"Without the s"

And with that, Greg saw Louis' angry face getting closer, and then it was all black for him.

Yesterday was Fiz death anniversary and today it's Mother's Day in U.K., bless the Tomlinson

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