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Knock knock.

Harry heard a car stopping in front of his house and then a knock in the door, so he opened the door, smiling when he saw his Louis waiting for him.

"Heeelloooo" Louis yelled as soon as he saw Harry.

"Hey" Harry replied smiling, loving how positive and shining this boy was.

"Are you ready haz?" Lou questioned.

"Non ho scelta vero?( I don't have a choice do I?)"

"Nop, now get it the car boy" Lou said proud of himself because he understood what Harry said.


It was now Louis' fifth drink and and he was really drunk. They were having a good time at the party, but since they had been out for three hours now, Harry decided that it was time to go home.

He had a few drinks too, but he could handle the alcohol quite well since his father was basically a boss and he always brought Harry with him in important dinners.

"Come on Louis, andiamo a casa( let's go home)" Harry said but then figured that probably Louis was too drunk to understand another language.

"Haha, you' talking like an alien, wha- what language is that?" Louis laughed at the boy, who laughed too because he was just really funny.

"Home, Louis" Harry giggled. "we are going home"

Harry took Louis hand and basically dragged him out, ignoring the girls smirk and giggle as he passed by. He hated that his friend was so hot and popular, the girl went crazy for him.

He opened the door of Louis' car, sitting him in the passenger seat. He then closed the door and as soon as he started driving, the blue eyed boy started laughing.

"You- you can't take me home" he laughed and then started humming a song that he remembered having those words, probably some band's, but he was too drunk to remember.

Harry realized that he was right. He knew that he couldn't take Louis at his house, he was too drunk to look normal. So he decided that he would bring him at his own mansion. He parked the car in his garage and then once again dragged Louis inside.

"Cazzo" Harry cursed not managing to open the door.

"What kind of word is that" Lou burst out laughing. "Cazzo, hahahha is that even a thing" he continued laughing.

Harry giggled as he finally opened the door, bringing him to one of the rooms, and after laying him on the bed and taking his shoes off, he got up.

"Mmh stay"

He heard the blue eyed boy groaning. Harry froze for a moment, he knew he couldn't stay in the same bed as Louis without doing anything, He stayed still for what felt like years, but then he just thought that he had to take this chance, so he just said fuck it. He covered himself with the covers, and he was going to close his eyes when.

"cuddle me"

What now?

Lou turned his his back to Harry, and Harry didn't hesitate a minute to spoon him. He felt butterflies in his stomach as the boy yawned it the cutest way possible, but sadly, he knew this wasn't real. He knew that Louis was just drunk and the next morning he would be disgusted and would never talk to Harry again.

But he tried not to think about it and just enjoy that precious and probably last moment with the boy that stole his heart.


That morning Harry woke up a bit confused, but when everything came into his mind, everything about last night, he giggled. But it didn't last long when he screeched and that's when he realized.

The bed was empty.

He knew that Louis would leave but he still hoped with all of his heart that he wouldn't. That maybe he would feel the same way. That they would be together. What a idiot.

He got up shirtless heading to the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and trying not to think about him, who was always the first thing in his mind. As soon as he got closer, he smelled pancakes.


His mum and Gemma were out of town. So unless one of the servants decided to keep working, which he doubted since it was Sunday, he had no idea who could it be.

He slowly opened the kitchen door, since he was sleepy and shirtless and honestly didn't want to see anyone right now, but he was shocked when he saw him.

His Louis was cooking some pancakes for them. "Good morning haz" a raspy and sleepy voice speaks. "I did some pancakes for breakfast hope you don't mind".

"Lou hi I- I think- thought you left" Harry answer.

"What? Why would I do that?" He chuckled."you let me sleep at your place so this is the least I can do" Louis said scratching the back of his neck.

Harry gave him a genuine smile before going to eat breakfast.

"So we're are your mother and sister?" Louis wanted to know.

"Out of town" Harry mumbled while eating. "Sono stra buoni Lou(they are so good Lou)"

"Thank you" Lou smiled at him. "And what about your father?"

"Oh he uhm...he is rarely home. You know, job"


"Yeah well anyway" Harry changed the subject. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I have been drunk a lot of time" he giggled. "I know how to handle it"

They spent the rest of the day together after Louis asked Harry if he could stay for lunch using the excuse that he was till a bit drunk, and Harry obviously agreed.

"Lo so ma è la prima volta che mi sento così! Che cosa devo fare!(i know but it's the first time that I feel like this, what am I supposed to do!)" Harry shouted. He was talking with one of his best mates from Italy, even if he moved away they were still close friends. Louis had left a few hours before, saying that his mum was mad that he had been out for so long.

"Dovresti dirglielo Harry, probabilmente lui sente le stesse cose( you should tell him Harry, he probably feels the same way)" the voice on the other side of the phone spoke.

"Are you kidding? That's impossible!" Harry forced himself to calm down and say the same thing in Italian since his friend James didn't know English at all.

"Ho detto quello che ho detto" he signed." Ora, io vado e tu mi chiami la settimana prossima dicendomi che siete usciti insieme, ciao ciao!(I said what I said, now I'm gonna go and you are gonna call me next week telling me that you guys went on a date)" and with that James ended the call, living Harry with his thoughts.

Should he tell Louis how he felt? Would he feel the same?

Rhetorical, don't answer.

He shook his head trying not to think about it, but he couldn't help it but think, for a second, to call his crush.


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