Chapter Twenty-One

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"You look different." The time I enter this large office, Mr. Kim looks at me from head to toe, smiling from ear to ear as he invites me to sit across him in a spacious room of his office. His secretary closes the door behind me after I step inside before I talk to him for the first time in the past several years. "Well, I-"

He raises his hand up, still grinning. "I know you have been to Harvard. I know you have a company and everything. I am impressed by your hard work, Lisa. Right?" He smiles proudly like a father to a daughter. Never in my whole life have I imagined that Mr. Kim would smile at me like this.

In my mind, I am delighted. My hard work finally pays off.

As I look at him, I know he changes. He isn't as cold and intimidated like before when I was in high school. Therefore, I walk closer to him, returning a smile and offering him a handshake in greeting. "Well, nice to see you again."

He takes my offer before we take a seat individually. "I know why you came. I heard my daughter's best friend told me why. She doesn't even come here herself."

Frowning, he continues. "But, she said she agrees to whatever decision you will have, right?"

I smile, "Yeah, apparently. It's something like that. I am sorry on her behalf since something comes up, and she needs to do it instantly. I am sorry if-"

"No need to say sorry. You are a great friend, and she trusts you enough to make such a big decision like this. Now, let's start. I know you also are busy with your work too. Let's get this straight." He sighs, crossing his arms together in a wise old man's manner.

I sit up straight, preparing to speak my wish. "I want to invest in your company. Actually, we want to help you, but we have one more thing for you that we want back from."

His expression changes from excitement to confusion so suddenly. "I have anything you want?"

Smiling, I state more calmly than I prepare. "I want to marry your daughter."

Silence engulfs us as soon as the words fall out of my mouth. His eyes widen in shock, not expected this kind of solution to his problem. By looking at his surprised face, I know he might wait for the punch line that I was just joking or something.

Then, my poker face might give him some clue that I am deadly serious. "I think Jisoo and I's companies are enough to help you from going bankrupt now and then. Just tell me you agree to give a hand of your daughter to me for marriage. I will sign whatever you want me to, and I am glad to help."

He sighs heavily before answering, "Are you sure you don't know that Jennie has a boyfriend? You can ask her, of course. If she agrees, I will-"

"I need you to help me. We help each other."

He laughs, smirking. "So, my baby girl doesn't love you anymore, eh? That's why you need some help from this old man who had treated you not so good in the past."

His last sentence makes me hesitate to continue any tactic Jisoo wants me to do to get Jennie back. When I don't reply, he clears his throat, catching my attention. "I will help."

"When do you want this marriage to begin?" He continues.

"As fast as you can."

"Next year?"

"Next month."


"I am sorry, Mr. Kim. We won't sign anything until Jennie and I are married."

I repeat Jisoo's statement when she told me the plan I need to do.

Then, I leave without another word.

As I slump on my car seat, my anxiety rises up. Who knows that a nerd like me can use money and power to manipulate a father into marrying his only daughter off?

I can't help but wonder what Jennie would think of me when she knows the deal between me and her father.

Will she get mad at me?

Of course, she will.

Will she hate me for the rest of her life?

She might.

Will she-

Suddenly, the sight in front of me cuts my thought off from thinking any further. Jennie coming out of Mino's car after the man opening the door for her definitely is not a good view for my mentality. I grip on the steering wheel, hating how he cares for her so much.

Part of me is selfish enough to hope that Mino doesn't treat her well, and she would be glad to be in my arms again, but hell no. The man has changed. He isn't the man he used to be anymore. He changed for Jennie the time I needed to run away to change myself for her.

It's different from him in many ways.

He has the time to be near her even if she was still in love with me.

I ran from her and haven't left any trace for her to know where I was.

I gulp hard, seeing her gummy smile while Mino kissing her cheek. My anger rises, and it's when I realize that I am not that nerd anymore.

This nerd was long dead. I was new, and I will do anything in my power to get what I want, and who used to belong to me. Some girl in front of me that used to love me from the bottom of her heart will be mine at the end of the day. I will promise to give her anything, and do everything to make it up for her.

I will risk being absolutely selfish for once in my entire life to get the person I can't live without, and also the first and the last person I have my eyes on.

People might say I was already selfish, given the fact that I ran away from my world, but if they were in my shoe, they would know how I felt. I might be perceived as someone who was greedy enough to grab any opportunity that I got to be someone I could potentially be, but in fact, I just don't want anybody to look at Jennie and then me and thinks that we aren't fit with each other. She's too good for a person who had nothing with only a heart for her.

She once said it's enough for her to have me by her side.

Bad for her,

I want the world for this woman, not just my stupid young heart.

Not just me.

But, everything she is in need of. 

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