Chapter Forty-Three

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A month later, I finally get back my courage to return to Seoul. Four months, I have spent with Yeri is a bliss. She is a great friend to me, and I feel really thrilled and happy to know that I have a place to go to when I am sad.

I wish I could stay here, to make her feel better too, for as long as I could. But, then again, I can't escape from the problem for the rest of my life, right?

"I will come back. You don't have to worry, Yeri." I smile as her face finally lightens up a bit. "Promise me, you will come back?" She asks, trying to look happy as much as possible even though deep down, I know she's sad, and so am I.

"Yeri, if you want to go back to Seoul..." I say carefully as to not dig her mental scar before adding more cautiously. "You are always welcome, and you can also work in my company as well."

She looks at me, excited. "Really?" She inquires.

"Yeah. I would be, really. You are a good employee, I can see your hard work. So, it would be my pleasure to have you work with me." I sit beside her on the couch as she places her hand on mine. "I'll think about it, but for now I am not ready yet. Anyway, thank you, Lisa. Very much."

"No need. You are always my best friend. Also, thank you for letting me stay here for four months. I owe you a lot, Yeri." I say, smiling.

She sighs, "Anyway, say hello to Jennie as well." I nod, avoiding her gaze. "I will,"

Yeri knows literally everything about my relationship and marriage with Jennie now, except some issues that I think it's not really appropriate to tell. However, she only knows I came here to take my mind off some stuff, but luckily, she never asked what that is.

I hug her for the last time before Lucas arrives in front of her apartment and takes my luggage to the car for me.

"Bye, Lisa." She pulls back, staring at me. "Hope to see you soon,"

I bid her goodbye one more time before leaving. I still can't believe I had been living here for that long. I would miss here, and her. It's been a great place where I can take my mind off, not to mention a friend that I can be with happily.

I look at her again, trying to tell her that I would never ever forget her. Then, I turn back and walk to the car.

As Lucas opens the door for me, I hop inside before he does the same on the driver seat. "Good to have you back, Mrs. Manoban." Then, he states after he drives off for a few miles already.

I smile, "Thanks, Lucas. Great to see you again too." Since he dropped me somewhere in Busan when we landed here, I asked him to go back to Seoul to help Jisoo managing her schedule and taking her to a meeting, and assisting her in any way possible.

Lucas is a smart guy. Jisoo would find him very helpful when I am not there in person.

"Have you told Jennie where I am?" I ask after a few moments. Jennie knows Lucas is my man. She would come to him if I suddenly disappear like this.

He shakes his head, looking at the road. "I know she would come to me to ask where you are. So, these past few months I avoided her as much as I could. She seemed to understand my situation too because last week when we ran into each other, she just smiled and walked away."

I nod in response. "Thank you, Lucas."

"No worry," He gives me a small smile before continuing to drive. "Do you want me to drop you off at your condo?"

His question has me rethink my decision to come back. I don't know whether I am ready to confront her yet. What should I do now?

I sigh, thinking carefully before making the final decision. "My company first,"

My office is on the top floor of the building. If I go there silently and tell Jisoo to keep silent, Jennie won't know because as far as I know, she's not really a fan of my company. Happy with my thought, I fall into a deep slumber.

I wake up again as soon as Lucas calls me, "Mrs. Manoban, we are at your company right now." He says as I open my eyes to see Lucas handing me my purse that I apparently dropped on the floor of the car.

"Lucas, please take my luggage up to my office as well, and don't tell anyone I am here. I will tell Jisoo myself."

He nods, "Yes, ma'am. I have taken all your stuff up to your office already. You were asleep, and I didn't want to wake you up so soon."

"Alright, thanks again." I hand him several hundred dollars as he looks at me, confused. "Take it. You deserve it. You work so hard for the past few months."

He pushes my hand away lightly. "No. You already gave me my salary, and it's my job to work as hard as I could for you."

"Take it as your bonus." I insist.

Then, he finally gives in. "Thank you,"

When I arrive in front of my office, I sigh. Feeling a bit relaxed because of the silence, I step inside and catch the sight that I haven't expected at all. Jennie is sleeping on the couch in my office.

If I didn't see her right now, I would not believe Jisoo this much when she said Jennie is basically underweight. Her blouse that used to fit her very well is now too big for her tiny body as well as her pants that are too loose, revealing her small waist.

I don't know what gets into me, but I walk slowly to her. Brushing some of her bangs from her face with my fingers slightly, afraid that she might wake up, I finally get to see her face now. For the past four months, I have been missing her a lot.

Even though I know our relationship is not really healthy, I can't help but still want to be with her. Want her to be mine. Especially, this time when I finally am better now, I break down seeing her here in my office on the couch again.

Who gives her access to be here besides Jisoo, right?

I literally give in and fling her into my embrace, but I can't. The wound is still healing, and I can't inflict pain on it again and again. Otherwise, I wouldn't recover. I get up, going to the corridor, making sure that it's far away from my office before calling Jisoo.


"Listen, Jisoo. I am here at my office now."

"Really?" She shouts excitedly as I sigh heavily. "You don't sound happy at all, do you?" She adds, her voice dropping down instantly.

"Jennie's here in my office. You gave access to her?" I ask even though it's likely true.

"She's still there? I mean, she went to your office and saw me there. She asked me again to know where you are, but when I hesitated, she didn't push at all. She just smiled and asked me to stay there for a while. She came here around four; I can't believe she's still there." She answers as I glance down at my watch.


"Could you call her and ask her to go home? I am not ready to confront her yet. I want to stay here for a while before I go home, and I don't want her to know about it now."

She becomes silent for a moment. Knowing Jisoo, I am sure she is contemplating now. "Alright, I will call her and ask her whether she's back home yet."

"Thanks, Chu."

"That's okay. I am happy to have you back, anyway."



I wait for nearly fifteen minutes before I see a shadow walking across the hall to the elevator. Seeing her back, I try my best not to run to her before I get the courage to walk back to my office and sleep.

Closing my eyes, wanting to sleep as soon as possible, I find comfort on the couch and never realize that Jennie's scent would be with me everywhere, especially now.

On the couch.

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