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Life is unpredictable and tough. However, some would survive in the storm of chaos and difficulties they have faced throughout life, and unfortunately, some would not.

How can one blame the other one for not keeping up and living their life when life itself is that complicating and various from one another?

For Lisa, she has been someone who has been enduring difficulties since she was young. She was so insecure and poor with no parents that would stay there for her when she needed them.

She needed her perfection to endure the pain she encountered.

For Jennie, she has everything. She's attractive and rich. However, that doesn't make her perfect because she needs someone that would be there for her when she has nothing.

She needed her imperfection when she already has everything.

Until that day, Jennie met Lisa.

Some may not know this, but both of them have been falling in love with each other since the first time they saw each other. Unfortunately, maybe both of them did not even know about it, or they knew but were scared to admit it.

How could they know when one felt so insecure to even talk to the other one?

How could they know when one felt that the other one didn't like her at all?

Life has many questions for people to solve.

Some require time, or even life itself before they could go through a phase where they are in deep depression and predicament before they could know what they really want in their lives.

The same goes for our favorite couple here.

They seem to understand each other or at least become to until they decided to be together. Well, it's not really their decision because one of them had to force the other, obviously by making her agree to the marriage.

Nonetheless, Jennie eventually knows that there's still some element called 'love' for the other one, and it's not trivial because apparently, no one has ever been able to replace the Lisa she has in her younger heart.



They are lying on the bed, thinking about how lucky they are to be together until Lisa blurts out in the darkness of their room after they made love that night. "Yeri loves me." While saying this, she tightens her grip on the other, scared that Jennie would disappear from this world because of her stupid and unrelated confession.

However, Jennie strangely remains calm. "And, you love her back?" Her voice is small, scared that there's some feeling Lisa has for the other girl whom she is familiar with the name but doesn't really know who it is.

She seems to feel relief when Lisa shakes her head against her neck. "I don't love her like I love you. I love her as a friend."

"What motivate you to tell me?" Nonetheless, Jennie asks.

"I don't want any secret between us anymore." Then, she proceeds to tell everything about where she stayed and how she managed to come back without letting Jennie know.

Apparently, Jennie doesn't seem to be too angry or mad.

She oddly seems understanding about what Lisa has said. Finally, she turns to face Lisa. "I know we fucked up a lot of things in our life, but Lisa, whatever we have done in the past before today, I want us to let go. Forget the bad memories, and remember only something beautiful about us. Can we do that?"

Lisa likes that idea. In fact, she likes it a lot. Jennie is so mature now. Don't get her wrong, Jennie is always the one who is mature between them, but her words really struck Lisa to the core.

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