Chapter Forty-One

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The light drifts through the curtain as I cover my eyes slightly to prevent it from blinding my eyes. Then, everything comes into life.

Last night was like a dream to me.

Well, was it a dream?

But, the shift of a warm tiny body beside me tells me that I haven't imagined anything.

Jennie and the return of her love.

I sigh happily while gazing at the ceiling.

"What are you thinking?" Jennie's adorable voice has me look at her and a soft laugh escapes my lips. "I think about a lot of things." I answer.

"Do they include me?" She frowns. Her hand is on my chest as I put mine on hers afterward. "In fact, all my thoughts are always including you."

She then throws herself into my embrace as I hug her in response, inhaling the scent from her hair. "I miss you so much, Jennie. Thank you for being here with me in an unexpected time."

Snuggling into my neck, her breath tickles my skin, but I do not say anything to that. I feel good, so I don't need to complain or anything. "I just want to be with you. After everything we have been through, I do not want us to be apart anymore, Lisa. I am afraid...that you would not think the same after the shits I have thrown at you."

I laugh, hearing her say that. "Don't worry, I would not leave you. I love you, and you are mine."

"You are mine too." She mumbles against my skin before my hand slips into her pajamas, feeling her soft back, making her shiver but doesn't complain or retreat. After all these kinds of stuff, I am still not sure that our relationship is safe enough because Mino is still in our way.

That's why I need to savor all these moments as much as possible...with her.

Then, as if on cue, her phone rings as she picks it up after looking at me with an apologetic smile.

"How is he?" Her face falls after a few moments.

"Okay, I will be there soon."

Then, she hangs up as I look at her, fishing for some information. "What is it?"

She looks at me with a sad face, which indicates that there is something not good happening. "Mino woke up already. Not so good. He..." Next, I see drops of tear falling from her eyes. "He is not stable mentally. But, he asked for me."

I can't help but scoff, "That's unbelievable. He is unstable, yet he asked for you, the person he loves and wants?"

Jennie turns to me, "His mother was the one who told me. Tell me, you don't think she is betraying me too, do you?" She is about to explode now whenever I talk bad about Mino. I shake my head slightly before calming down. "Please, Jennie. Would you consider listening to what I was saying to you last night? That's just Mino's strategy to get you back. He even called me and told me that he-"

"Lisa, could you please stop this nonsense? He just woke up. Did you even hear me?" She sighs heavily, frustration all over her face.

See, whenever I think everything is okay, there will be something that suddenly occurs unexpectedly again. Our relationship is still fragile and nothing I do could mend this fully. "Okay, Jennie. I am sorry if you don't believe me. But, I just want you to know one thing for sure that I never in my entire life would lie to you just because I want you to be mine. It's not my tactic to be that cheap of a person."

Her anger explodes, "You implied that-"

I get up, throwing the bathrobe on myself before cutting her off. "Yes, Jennie. I really do think, not just implied that he is so cheap that he could do everything to just get you back. How can someone use this kind of tactic to get what he wants? I mean, come on. Acting as if you were in a car accident, then being in a coma. Now!" I scoff before continuing. "The man suddenly and magically becomes mentally unstable, but apparently not unstable enough to forget who his ex-girlfriend is."

"Lisa." She warns. Her face flushes with anger, but today I won't back off.

Tired already for this roller coaster, apparently.

"If you want us to work, and if you are really sorry for what you have done to me even if I don't mind for what you thought about me, you should try to trust me."

"Don't try to use the word 'trust' with me when you suddenly ran away from me without telling or-"

"Really? You just said that you understood my situation last night, and now you are going to bring this up again? Jennie, please enlighten me. I don't really understand you right now. In fact, I don't understand anything in this world anymore." I walk to the door, but before I shut it, a few more words leaving my mouth on the way.

My back is facing her now as I talk. "You know who really is unstable now? It's me. Everything is really, really, really unpredictable, and I don't know how much I am going to handle it well anymore."

I sigh, clearing my throat. "Maybe, I need to let it go or what? Please, tell me what you think."

"Lisa, I-" She calls for me, but I would do anything but care about what she has to say now.

I don't wait for any more excuses as I leave the room and shut the door behind.

Maybe, she needs some more time to think about our relationship or whatsoever. I don't know, but I am sure of what I need right now.

Why not take a chance to do it, right?

I take out my phone and ring my man for something I need him to do now.

"Hello, Mrs. Manoban?"

"Prepare the car for me, Lucas. I need to go somewhere." Then, I hang up, thinking about how to pack my clothes without Jennie noticing.

Actually, I can go there myself, but having Lucas drive for me in this situation is much safer for my being.

A few moments later, Jennie comes outside dressed in a beautiful sundress as she walks past me. I don't look up or say anything as she is to leave the door. I get up from the couch and walk to the bedroom to take my clothes.

"Lisa, can I talk a bit before I leave? I really want us to work out. I love you..." She mumbles slightly as I turn back, waiting for more explanation.

Then, it occurs to us that fate isn't really at our sides when her phone rings again. She looks down at the number and sighs.

She looks at me, and I know it's my cue to leave as soon as possible before I break her phone and steal her away from everyone who wants to break us.

When she leaves, I smile sadly because I know I can't. 

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