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The interns and their hero marched down the stairs on their way to the main entrance. Iris poked Bakugou's side and giggled. He returned an annoyed grunt.  "Hey, did you know your hair actually doesn't look that bad?" He squinted his eyes.

"What the hell are you saying, Eyes?"

"What, don't like the compliment?~"

"Shut up, dumbass."

Moments before reaching the bottom of the staircase, Bakugou muttered something that she didn't anticipate for "You don't look too bad yourself, Eyes." Iris' cheeks were now the colour of a light pink. Her footsteps came to a halt and she fixed him as he walked on. Instead of having something to say, she was speechless because of his words. Bakugou glared behind him when he noticed her stop "Catch up!" Iris bounced back to reality and ran after him.


The trio walked for a good 15 minutes before Best Jeanist began to speak. "It is possible that some villains were inspired by what happened in Hosu, that means they could be feeling bolder. This may just be a patrol, but keep your guard up, you two."

"Yeah, yeah." responded Bakugou. Best Jeanist turns looks behind him for a moment.

"Here's a question for you: patrols are mainly meant to deter villains from committing any crimes, but they also have a secondary purpose. What is it?"

"If we see some bad guys, we can beat them up on the spot." The blonde blurts out his answer before Iris gets the chance to even think. Well, you're not wrong.

"Incorrect." Damn, straightforward I see. "Miss Morningstar, do you have an idea?"

"Not at all, sir."

A few school girls spotted the denim hero and quickly started to fangirl over him "Hey Best Jeanist! Thank you so much for keeping us safe!" He strikes a pose, giving them a little wave and the whole group squeals in delight. Iris snickers at the sight. Best Jeanist, you smooth bastard. He then proceeds once more with his lecture "The answer is: to remind people who we are. Our presence give the public a piece of mind.This helps weave a tapestry of trust between the protector and the protected."

"I think you just like to be recognized." mutters Bakugou. Suddenly, a few tiny voices were heard from behind.

"Hey! I've see that blonde guy on TV before!" Iris saw him throw his head back in annoyance. Well, those kids are fucked. "Yeah! A news villain caught him and he almost cried like a baby!" The three boys laughed and made fun of Bakugou, until he he turned around with a face of pure anger.

"What did you say?!" The children froze in fear of the future hero and began to cry, just as kids do. Of course they start crying, brats.

"Have you really forgotten everything I have taught you? Talk with them, like a pro."

"Yeah, yeah, fine." Placing his hands on his hips, Bakugou walks towards the boys and gave them a very rough explanation, despite them still being terrified.

"Listen up! I wasn't helpless! I was just coming up with ways to fight it. Sometimes a hero has to pretend hes been caught. You really think I would loose? You'll eat those words when I'm the new number 1 hero! You dumb kids will never laugh at me again if you know whats good for you!" With those final words, the kids cried even harder. Best Jeanist pinches the bridge of his nose and speaks to Iris. "Iris, make the kids stop crying please."

I have to make these brats stop crying? It's their fault. I guess they are just kids though.

"Yes, sir."

Iris crouches down to the boys' height and looked at them straight into the eyes. They instantly stopped crying, seeing as a girl was willingly talking to them. Iris waved her hand in their sight and with the flip of her hand, she made three lollipops "appear", like magic. The boys moods' enlightened as they shouted a loud 'woah'. She each handed them one and sweet-talked them "Did you boys like that? I can give you more the best time you see me, but you have to promise me not to make fun of random people you see, okay?" I love giving people advice that I don't do myself!

"Okay! Thank you, big sis!"

Big sis?! Alright then.

Iris let out a sigh of relief. She took a lollipop out of her pouch and popped it in her mouth. "Candy, works every time~"

"Alight now both of you, we need to complete the rest of our patrol."


Both interns were tired at the end of the day, and this was only the first one. Not just from getting lectured every 5 minutes, but the amount of small time villains. They were idiots for coming out during the day. They were easy to defeat, but there were so many that it took away their energy. Iris had done this type of stuff before, so she was thankfully less tired that the first time.

"This is the type of work you will each be experiencing here for the rest of the week. I hope the lessons you learn get sewn into your core. You may get your bags and check-into the hotel that's across the street. The rest of the afternoon is yours. We will meet at the same time tomorrow. Get some rest. You are both dismissed."


Once you two were done with the check-ins, Iris changed into some casual clothes. Or at east what she called causal. Iris received many samples from the modelling agencies she worked with, so naturally, she also developed an excellent fashion sense. She wore a pair of felt shorts, a lingerie top and a leather bomber jacket.

Finally, I get to explore Japan a bit.

She grabbed a matching purse and rushed out of her room and knocked on Bakugou's room door.

𝚏(𝚡) = 𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒 + 𝙸𝚛𝚒𝚜Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora