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The entire UA Academy took the days after classed to prepare for their school festival project. Today was one of those days, as Class 1-A worked hard under the sun. Kirishima, Mineta, Sero, Satou, Shoji, Koda and Iris sat at a round table to take a breather.

"This is horrendous ,I'm gonna lodge a complaint!" pouted Mineta.

"Calm down, Mr Aizawa didn't tell us about the beauty pageant for a reason." Kirishima rolled his eyes.

"Hold up, you guys have beauty pageants over here? At school?" questioned Iris as she took off her earbuds to listen in to the conversation.

"Yeah, you guys don't have those in the west?"

"Nah, they're usually separate events~"

"Are you going to participate Iris?"


"What!? Why not!?"

"One, they didn't ask me. Two, I don't need a petty pageant to tell me I'm pretty~" Iris ran her hand through her hair and gave them a prideful smirk.

"Eh, I'm surprised that they didn't ask you."

"They probably wanted to give others a chance, and that's completely fine~"

"Hey Mineta! Stop slacking off and come work on the dance! This is literally your part, come here or we will cancel it." Mina shouted from nearby, standing next to the rest of the girls that were not part of the band.

Why did they have to give him a fucking harem part again? Poor girls, ugh~

As the boys continued to talk, Iris took notes on a copy of "Hero Too", the song that Class 1-A was going to perform with. She analyzed every part of the sheet, from the notes down to the dynamiques of the piece. On some nights, she would go out on the balcony and play it with her violin to get an idea of what she is working with. Iris had also watched Mina and the dance group to try and figure out where some of the spotlights would be placed. Overall, she was ready theoretically, all she needed to do was familiarise herself with the system because not all of them were the same. Different controls, different switches, colour, you name it. "Hey guys, I'm going to head over to the gym to practice with the lighting and sound controls. I'll see you guys later~" She gave them a wink and walked away with her headphones on, blocking away all the sounds other than her own.

It wasn't very far away, so she got there pretty quickly. The gym was empty due to everyone being on break or outside. The gym was a bit of a mess, but she knew that it would all come together nicely in no time. Her classmates were hard workers. Iris made sure the system was connected to a power outlet before running her fingers across the control panel.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Iris gasped at the voice that startled her, turning around with her knife that she had hid in her pants in hand. Her gaze softened and she put her weapon away when she recognized the figure.

"Oh my- Suki, I'm sorry, please don't scare me like that again..."

"Shit, your reflexes have heightened. Anyway, sorry for scaring you."

"It's okay Suki, what brings you here?"

"Nothing, on break. Saw you coming in here. What are you doing?" Iris narrowed her eyes at the buttons in front of her.

"Just exploring the controls~"

"I though you said you knew how to operate things like this."

"I do, I just need to know exactly where the actions I want are. Some panels are different from each other, you know? And this one is pretty wide, don't wanna mess up during the concert~" Katsuki leaned back on the wall behind her.

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