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For the entire week, Iris and Bakugou went on daily patrols, receiving constant lessons and lectures from Best Jeanist. They barely got to fight any villains, just the occasional purse thief from around the corner. The students were getting bored of the endless talking and longed for some action. What made their day worse, was the scorching heat. Their costumes weren't doing much good either.

How is Best Jeanist not dying right now? He is literally covered head-to-toe in denim.

In the middle of their walk, a ringing is heard coming out of one of Best Jeanist's many pockets. He brings the device next to his ear before finally answering "I understand. We're on our way." Ending the call, he says "Looks like it's time to apply what you have learned this week. We have a mission." The students' eyes lift up with hope and excitement and they follow their mentor back to the Genius Office.


Oculus, Bakugou and Best Jeanist gather around a large, oval-shaped table with an agent. The agent speaks up "Thank you for being able to address this situation as soon as possible. We have found the location of a group of villains who sell illegal quirk-related merchandise. If we do not stop them now, it will take a while to track them back again and who know what they might do during that time. Their group is big and dangerous. Please proceed with caution."

"So, when and where is their next trade going to take place?"


In the next hour, the heroes were quick to arrive near the location of the trade. The building had the setting of a typical villain's hideout: an old abandoned in the alleyway of some random street. They were out of sight, but close enough to spot people entering the building. Best Jeanist turns ro Bakugou and Iris "Remember what we talked about. Do not do anything reckless or overly dangerous and do not go against the plan. If you do, you will face consequences."

Alright, first mission in Japan, let's fucking go! You can do this!

Iris looked over to Bakugou who had this large determined smirk on his face. If there was anything this guy would be good at, it's beating villains up. Iris felt implied to do the same. After all, she has a few tricks up her sleeve.

When the time was right, the trio went into position. Bakugou outside waiting for those lucky to escape the building, but not to meet his explosions. Best Jeanist and Oculus slammed open the doors. "You are under arrest and your exchange has been stopped! Surrender, villains!" As Best Jeanist screamed this out, everyone inside the room got into battle positions. "Best Jeanist and a little girlie?! Ha! We can take em' down easy! Get em'!" one of them declared.

Of course, they had already anticipated this. Iris, being the fastest, surrounds herself of with her blue aura and swiftly grabbed the suitcase of money that was open. She made a run for the stairs and most of them followed her as she presumed. She was surprised to see that the mercenaries weren't as weak as they looked, one of them almost caught up to her. Skipping steps, Oculus leads them all the way up to the rooftop and stands at the edge of the building. She was about 6 stories high. A fall from this height could cause a fatal injury, or worse, death. Iris obviously didn't care.

"We got you now, girlie! Give us back the money right now and we won't toy with ya too much!" demands one of the men with black hair. Iris looks down on her opponents and grins.

"Oh, honey, I'm not stuck here with all of you," She lightly jumps off the edge, puts the briefcase down and straight onto the roof. She licks her lips and stares them directly into the eyes, not before shutting the door behind them with her quirk. The villains realize their mistake and begin to panic. "you're stuck up here, with me."

Using the power of the suns rays, she applies it to her lower body, giving her an immense speed boost. One by one, she knocked them unconscious, one neck chop after the other. At the end, she stood victorious over the side of the building. She looks down at Bakugou surrounded by his severely beaten down victims, who seems to have completed his part of the mission. Using her quirk, she tried to sense the auras left in the building. There were many, but they were all very faint except for her mentor's. All the villains were defeated and the mission was officially over. Wanting to have fun like she always does, Iris calls out to her partner "Bakugou! Catch me if my quirk doesn't do enough, okay?" The boy screams "What?! Don't jump off the building you idiot!" It was too late, she had already jumped off in a lying down position. Using a large amount of aura, Oculus greatly slowed down her fall as she lightly landed in a panicked Bakugou's arms.

"Aw, you were worried that I would get hurt! Thanks for catching me~"

"Dumbass Eyes, what the hell was that for?!"

"Dramatic exit~"

"You risked your fucking life for a stupid dramatic exit?!"

"Nope, I can safely land anytime. I just wanted you to catch me~"

Bakugou scoffs in return. Best Jeanist comes out of the building with what looks like the leader in his denim thread bindings. He notices Bakugou and Iris arguing as the police and the press show up on the scene. What the trouble duo didn't realize was that the media was taking lots of pictures. Iris was still in Bakugou's arms, and he was carrying her bridal style. Oh how the cameras loved that.

As soon as Bakugou spots the denim hero, he slides Iris off of him. Bakugou was still a bit in shock at the fact that Iris was in his arms a minute ago. His thought soon got cut off by some of the press running towards him, Iris and Best Jeanist. The number 4 hero wasn't in the mood for flashing lights and questions today. Having interns surrounded by reporters isn't the best idea, especially when Bakugou is there. The police holding the people back, Best Jeanist, Bakugou and Iris head back to the office once more.


"Well done with the mission today. You are slightly improving. As you can observe, this is the trouble we have to deal with on the daily. It is important that you learn to get used to it and be prepared for anything that might come at all times. You are dismissed. We will repeat the same thing tomorrow, on the last day of your internship." A 'yes,sir' came from the interns as they made their way back to the hotel.

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