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Hey guys! Sorry for the long update, I was bombarded with projects and exams this past week. Happy reading!


"Just after 30 minutes after getting your licenses, and the two of you are already putting pro heroes to chame! To work so well together, you must get along quite well!"

"If that's what it looks like to you, you ought to get your damn eyes checked!" shouted Katsuki.

"We get along well." replied Todoroki.

Oh god, here we go...

Todoroki continued to answer the reporter's question all while completely ignoring Bakugou's retorts, which just infuriated him even more. Iris wheezed in the camera's blind spot, leaning on Mina for extra support. Her laughing made her week in the knees and soon had to be held up by Momo as well. Bakugou sent embarrassed death glares from across the room but Iris didn't seem to care.

"What!? Don't go spewing bullshit like that! Since when have we ever gotten along, bastard!?"

"We spent a lot of time together throughout our remedial courses."

"What kind of system is that!? How much time we spent together has nothing to do with how well we get along!"

"What do you mean by 'system'?"

"Well if I know! You should get your brain checked!" Tears fell out of Iris' eyes listening to their interaction. It was hilarious to her and most of the Bakusquad. Katsuki's reactions never failed to entertain them time and time again. That's right, this wasn't the first time this happened, Todoroki and Bakugou have been featuring in many interviews in the past few days.

Looks like Hawks was right. I bet Suki's going through hell right now. What to do...


9 days after the incident with the two boys, the interview had been released on the news. Sero, Kaminari and Iris laughed their asses off at the screen they were watching on. "Ahahah, they cut you out!"

"You were interviewed for a full hour!"

"AHAHAH, you can only see his hair~"

"Use my footage, dammit!"

All fun and games aside, Iris and some of her classmates are a bit worried for them, They had already gone through so many of these interviews and they were starting to ruin the media's portrayal of the "provisional license incident".

"I heard that the extent of the damage was even worse than in Kamino. Fortunately, the casualty count was limited due to the remoteness of the city." Said Iida while removing Mineta from on top of Deku's desk.

"Maybe it's cause Endeavour really tried his best!" added Mina.

"Don't be so optimistic!" Enthusiastic heroine Mount Lady startled the class with her bold entrance, throwing a pose that clearly showed her behind. Iris snickered at Midnight's expression when she looked at the guest. "You might think that the winds are changing in our favour, but if you look deeper down, what you'll find...is a growing sense of urgency and unrest. Were the words said by that kid really of encouragement? Or were they perhaps just a prayer for victory?. She took a few more steps in front of the crowd. "Recently, hero society became tainted by showbiz, but now, heroes are back in demand in the truest sense!"

"It's Mount Lady, AAAAHHH!"

Well done, Sherlock~

Aizawa waddled through the door in his sleeping bag like a penguin. "Since you guys are getting more exposure now, I've invited a special guest. She will chaperone you all."

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