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This chapter will contain manga spoilers, as well as the chapters further on from here. Enjoy!

Morningstar was bothered that night by a large surge of energy. She sensed that was far enough for it to not be one of the girls, more likely coming from the boys' section of the dorms. The amount of power coming from that area was immense and overwhelming, lasting a good 3 hours too. She couldn't sleep at all during that time.

All of a sudden, the energy spiked up and released itself, causing a very loud crash, the sound of windows breaking, to be heard. She immediately sat up from her bed to go and check it out.

When she arrived to the source, she saw Ayoyama standing in front of Deku's door. "Hey Ayoyama, you heard it too? From Deku's room?"

"Oui! I am quite concerned." He knocked on his door, calling out his name for him to take notice. When he didn't answer, he slightly opened it and peeked through. "Midoriya, is everything okay? We heard something loud in there!"

"Oh, um..It was nothing..." He exited his chambers to meet his friends outside. "Oh, Iris, you're here too..."

"You're damn right I am, what the hell happened? You good? You're literally sweating!"

"Yeah...Everything is fine...hehe."

"Are you holding on to something? Maybe you didn't have enough cheese!"

"I am very sorry for waking you guys up!" Midoriya stared at his hand after saying that. Iris couldn't help but even more suspicious. Events like these happened before, on a smaller scale, but she just didn't want to pry into somebody's business, so she left it alone. Now, she was curious. She wanted to know more, because he was weird.

Once everything calmed down, Iris returned to her dorms, still wondering, and finally went back to sleep.


Iris woke up the next morning still traumatized. She could not believe what had happened last night before the Deku incident. It was horrifying. She barely spoke to anyone while was doing her daily routine and the girls were confused. "Morning, you good?" asked Jirou while patting her shoulder.

"I don't know..."

"What happened!?"

"He won..."

"Who won Iris!? Details!"

"Katsuki...he beat me...in a game that play almost all the time..."

"That's why your upset?"

"I'm not upset, I'm just...speechless..." The girls looked at each other and laughed at her reaction, with no harmful intentions, of course. They found her cute and each gave her reassuring pats on the head to tell her that it was okay, this didn't happen all the time.

But Iris didn't tell them about the winner's favour. He hasn't made his decision. Even if he did, he wasn't willing to tell her just yet.


At school, the fight on the news day before was the talk of the town. Everyone was amazed at their performance and were looking forward to future battles with the numbers 1 and 2, until Eraserhead came to quiet them down. He then instructed them to suit up and meet in Field Gamma for some special hero training.

Iris was excited to show off her new outfit, so she waited for all the girls to leave before putting her's on quickly. Once she was done, she met the rest of her classmates outside. The future heroines immediately surrounded Iris, admiring her brand new look, which was completely different from before.

"Bestie, you look so cool!"

"So mysterious!"

"What an intricate design!"

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