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Iris, Katsuki and Todoroki walked down a hall on their way to the changing rooms.

"Oh, hey! It's UA!" shouted Inasa.

"Oh? What's this? This guy is super hot. That's like, totally crazy" Obviously referring Todoroki ,a really pretty blonde girl came closer. "I'm totally psyched to train with a hot guy."

Holy...holy fuck...just like that...she just spit it out...damn I would never~

"Camie, that is beneath you! As a Shiketsu student, you mustn't fraternize with such failures!" Another boy with squinted eyes and purple hair came in, putting Bakugou over the edge with his words.

"Meat! You failed the first test, didn't you!?"

"I received permission to observe! I'm just watching!"

Camie got really close up to Iris "Heya! Are you just coming into the course like me today?"

"Oh, no, I'm just watching~"

"Cool! And, oh my God, you're like, super hot, like very hot! Gimme your number, let's be friends!"

"Okay~" The purple haired boy then turned to Iris, hearing that she was also there to watch her classmates.

"Oh, so you failed the exam as well? Another failure I see." Just like Monoma, he got onto Iris' nerves.

"Bitch, I got 98 on the exam and was even recommended to special programs~"

"Yay! My friend is so bold! Come to the changing rooms with me!" She lightly pulled her by the arm to head to the lockers, right after she got Todoroki's number.

Camie's hero costume fit her perfectly. No, really, it was a skintight bodysuit.

"Hey, hey, do you have a boyfriend? You must have one! I can't, Shiketsu students are not allowed to date. How lame."

"Oh actually, I do~"

"Really!? Can I see a picture of him!?"

"You just met him~"

"Huh? Is it Endeavor's son!? Ahhh, lucky!"

"Haha, no, it's the one next to him~"

"The angry boy with spiky hair!? How did you pull it off?"

"Believe me, I don't even know~"


Iris and Camie had to go separate ways after the changing room. Morningstar joined All Might and Present Mic on their way to the stadium seats, when all of a sudden, they were stopped by a threatening aura.


"Endeavour, it's been a long time..."

"Well, isn't it the former number 1 hero. Thank you for babysitting Shoto. This is perfect. I've been wanting to sit down and have a talk with you." The tension between All Might an Endeavour was high. The flame hero seems like he was upset and conflicted about something. Present Mic frantically ran away to go get some coffee.

I think they need some time alone, I'll let them go for now~

"Mr All Might, I'm going to help Present Mic. I will come back soon."

"Ok young Morningstar, I will see you later."

With that, she skipped over to the room where there was supposed to be refreshments. It was actually a room full of staff.

"Hey, Gang Orca! Nice to see you!"

"Pleasure to see you as well, Present Mic. Are you here for some coffee?"

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