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Author's note:

Hey guys! First and foremost I would like to thank everyone who has been reading and voting on this fanfiction until now. You've made me very happy and I am very grateful. The entirety of this story is basically scenarios I have been making up in my head for quite a while now. I just decided to post it because I love to write, I didn't think people would actually read it, lol.

(I added the song Hero Too here because why not hihi~)

Secondly, I'm always trying to write in the best way I can to make the story enjoyable in a way where my OC, Iris Morningstar, does not change the plot of My Hero Academia as much as possible. I really do hope that you guys like the relationship between Bakugou and Iris with all of my heart. Don't worry, there will be many more chapters to come for my pleasure and your entertainment.

Lastly, there will be a lemon, mark my words, you guys will not be disappointed but, for the sake of both Bakugou and Iris being underage, I do not feel comfortable writing one at this moment. Believe me, I really want to write one, and I can't wait to. Even if it is legal in japan, it just doesn't feel right to me, that's why I wrote some spicy parts that don't involve too much sexual activity for testing and to keep my readers' interests. I am going to wait until they are both 18 before I write a lemon for them.

If you guys have any questions on any part, please do not hesitate to ask. I will answer them as best as I can!

Happy reading!




The well anticipated morning of the school festival had arrived. Class 1-A rushed to complete the final preparations, since their performance was at 10 am. The entire class got matching orange outfits for the concert. Iris, as flamboyant as she is, decided to add some flare to her outfit, even if it was just and orange t-shirt. She wanted to copy some of Present Mic's look, with the big glasses and over-the-top accessories. It made a few people wonder what the fuck she was wearing, but it was all for the aesthetic , so she didn't necessarily care.

It was 9:50, which meant it was time for Iris to do the final soundcheck. Luckily, everything was in place and ready to go, so it did not take very long. All the equipment was up and running, all that was left to do was to perform. Iris was extremely proud of herself, she was able to master the huge control panel in just a few days. In fact, she barely even needed to look down, for she already knew where everything was. The gym was going to look spectacular, even if she wasn't down there with them. They would all enjoy the school festival together in the end and she would get as much time to spend with Katsuki as she wanted, so everything was okay in Iris' brain.

The gym was almost jam-packed with spectators. The curtains were closed and most were in their place, except for Deku. She had received a message earlier that he was still not back from the department store with the rope for Ayoyama's disco-ball moment. Iris knew that Izuku was pretty fast, so there really wasn't anything to worry about.

Even from where she stood, she could feel everyone's nervousness and excitement just by staring at their auras. Iris took a deep breath as the last minute arrived.

We"re gonna fucking rock this place, just you wait and see~

When the clock struck 10am, Iris shut off all the lights in the gym. Audible gasps were heard from all across the room as the curtains slowly revealed the band and dance team.

"There it is!"

"First years, do your best!"


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