Commander: Lorcan x Reader

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Suggestion Credit: Cassians_mate 💕
Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading! This was is way more steamy then the last two so just be prepared for some spice ;) -Faith xx

Lorcan x reader

You are looking in the mirror, waiting for the tub to fill as the steam starts to rise into the air. You still have your bra and panties on as you run your eyes down your body, following your hands as they skim down your skin.

You turn to walk over to the tub, seeing that the water was about to go over the edge. You turn the nozzle off, sitting on the edge of the tub and dipping your hand in to test the temperature.

The hairs on the back of your neck start to rise as you sense a presence in the opened doorway of the bathroom that you had left open for the heat to escape. Your shoulders tense as you lift your hand from the water, turning to see who was watching you.

Your eyes meet ones of black intensity. You freeze, locked into his gaze as he stared right back.


Your exposed skin starts to tingle as you remember the fact of you not being clothed. You move your hands in front of your stomach, shielding you nakedness from his stare.

"What do you need, Lorcan?" You ask, annoyance evident in your tone.

You didn't get along with Lorcan much. He always knew exactly how to make you angry and never passed the chance to do so.

He doesn't answer you, his gaze never leaving your eyes. Conflict and something else you couldn't quite determine swirled in his black eyes.

"If you wouldn't mind leaving, I'm trying to take a bath." You say, turning back to the tub of water as you feel his gaze trail down your back.

You wait a second to hear the door close, but nothing comes and you can still feel him standing there, looking at you.

"You could at least shut the door." You finally say, feeling a bit ballsy with your statement. You hear the door close and turn to find Lorcan leaning against the wall next to it, his stare still on you.

You look into his eyes, still swirling with an intense emotion that you were now starting to understand. Hunger.

You stand, facing him as your eyes never leave his. You reach behind to you bra strap, unclasping it and letting it fall to the floor. Now standing in front of him, naked from the waist up, Lorcan's eyes don't leave yours as you slowly walk towards him.

As you reach him, you tilt your head back to keep your gaze on his. "What do you want, Lorcan?" You whisper, your chest an inch away from his. He just stood there, looking into your eyes, his black eyes showing no emotion other then the confusion and hunger shining through.

You become impatient, annoyed by his silence and embarrassed with your bold actions. You grunt, stepping away and starting to turn away from him and walk back to the tub.

Before you can process anything, a hand wraps around your wrist and you are slammed into the wall, Lorcans body pressed into your front. He pins both of your hands above your head in one of his own, his other hand going to your hips and pushing you farther into the wall as he grinds his hips into yours.

You feel exactly what he wants as his hardness rubs against your soft core. You whimper, not being able to hide just how turned on you are. He lets out a low growl as he lowers his mouth to your neck.

His teeth graze your skin as he nips your ear, making you push further into his hard body. "Gods, your so beautiful." He groans, going to suck at the spot right below your ear. You moan loudly, making him growl again.

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