Azriel and Gwyn: The Necklace - Part I

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Hey guyss! First off, thank you so much for reading my one shot! I just wanted to say a few things before you read this one! 

If you guys haven't checked out my Azriel fanfic you totally should! It's completed and waiting to be read by you!

 I will do any one shot you all would want to read with Gwynriel or any other ToG/ACOTAR characters!

- Faith xx


Gwyn sat in her room, perched at her desk as she stared down at the necklace that laid atop it. Clotho had handed it to her as she had been passing her desk, telling her it was a gift from an anonymous person.

Gwyn was puzzled at this. Why would someone give her a gift without leaving their name? Who could it be? 

The necklace was absolutely breathtaking. A dainty silver chain with a stained glass rose hooked onto it. Gwyn raised the necklace into her hands, turning it to the light and watching as it shined through the rose.

She took a deep breath, shaking her head as she smiled to herself and clasped the chain around her neck. It would be a waist of beautiful jewelry if she did not wear it.

She kept it tucked underneath her shirt for the next few days, only taking it out to gaze upon it when she was alone. She had come attached to the necklace, feeling comfort from having it with her all day.

She was running late to training one morning, sprinting up the stairs to get there before they would start without her. She had not noticed the necklace slip from under her shirt until she sat next to Nesta and Emerie to stretch.

They both turned to her, their eyes immediately going to her neck, and Gwyn froze. "Where did you get that?" Nesta questioned as Gwyn shoved the necklace back underneath her shirt. She didn't want people to know of it. 

"It's nothing." She replied, continuing with their stretching. They had let it drop then, but Gwyn knew it would come up again. She hoped they would just forget about it. Hoped they would say no more on the matter.

Gwyn's hopes did not come true. The next day at training they were all lined up, watching as Cassian and Azriel demonstrated a combat technique they were going to learn. Gwyn, Nesta and Emerie already knew this technique, being more advanced then the others.

"Are you going to tell us where you got the necklace?" Nesta whispered so only Gwyn and Emerie could hear. Gwyn straightened at that, snapping her eyes to Nesta as she tried to think of a way to get out of telling her. She came up with nothing. 

Gwyn inhaled deeply, "Clotho gave it to me, stating it was from an anonymous person." She said, shrugging and looking back to the sparring ring. Azriel had just swung at Cassian, hitting him in the jaw as Cassian muttered "I let you do that." Under his breath. Gwyn laughed, knowing he had definitely not.

Cassian had heard her laugh, and now turned to her. "Would you like to take my place, priestess?" His tone was hard but she knew he was teasing her, testing to see if she would do it. She wasn't about to back down now.

"Why not." She said and jumped into the ring as Cassian walked off, stopping beside Nesta to watch. The technique was fairly simple. Diversion. Act as if you are doing one thing, but do another.

She started to circle the Shadowsinger, watching as he mimicked her moves and they moved into a dance. A quiet calm comes over her, zeroing her focus onto her opponent, calculating her first move. Their eyes meet, and Azriel smirks.

She feels that smirk in her core, making her lose her focus for a split second. She would always be easily distracted by the Shadowsinger. The way he moved, and spoke, and- everything. She shakes her head, making herself stop thinking those kinds of things, especially right now.

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