Admitted Feelings: Never

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Another random one shot that I wrote at 3 am LMAO hope you enjoy <3

You stand in the entryway of the ballroom, looking into the ominous crowd of people dressed in grand dresses and sharp suits.
Your eyes roam over faces as they turn towards you, snapping their mouths shut as they take in your appearance. Everyone is silent. Everyone is staring at you.
You wore a black dress that hugged your chest, puffing out slightly at your waist and reaching your feet. Gold embroidery lined the dress, making the black look like a night sky lined with the brightest stars.
Your eyes still roam over your audience, not noticing anyone and forgetting what they looked like as soon as your eyes left them.
Then, you see him. Your gazes catch each other's, making your breath catch. The intensity in his eyes makes you squirm where you stand, but you don't back down.
You hated him, and he hated you. But as you stand there, your eyes on him and him only, you start to realize that maybe you don't really hate him. Maybe you just hate that he hates you.
The thought strikes a chord in your chest as you break eye contact from him, looking to the ground as you realize everyone has gone back to their conversations, but still keeping a close eye on you as you still stand by the door.
You grab at your chest, trying to make the aching pain radiating from your body disappear, but this does not work. Nothing will.
You turn as quickly as your heels will let you and sprint from the ballroom, heading towards the staircase leading back up to your rooms. You could not stand in that room for hours with him present, not after your realization.
You briskly take the stairs as your heels click upon the tiled flooring. But you only make it halfway down the hall when a strong hand grasps your arm, stopping you mid-step.
You know who it is before he speaks, but his voice still sends shivers down your body as you stand with your back to him, his hand still on your arm.
"Not in the mood to dance?" His voice is like waves crashing into the shore on a summer night. Soothing to the core, but dangerously cold.
You turn around to face him, meeting his state head on as you lift your chin. "You care, why?" You say, inflicting as much ice into your tone as you can.
"I am the prince." He answers flatly, "It is my job to care for my people." His eyes did not match what he said, displaying only cold bitterness and distaste.
"Well you never seemed to care before, so why now?" You say, ripping your arm from his grasp and stepping back, planning to turn before he could answer and return to your room.
You don't get the chance to turn, though. He moves faster than you can process, towards you as you back up until you back hits the cold wall behind you. His hands tighten around your wrists as he pins them above your head, his body becoming flush with yours.
"What makes you think I didn't care before?" He whispers into your ear, his breath tickling your skin as you try to regain the usage of your mouth.
"Maybe, I don't know everything you've ever said to me?" You reply, surprised you could find your voice while being pinned against a wall so sensually.
His mouth lowers from your ear to your jawline, his breath leaving trails of goosebumps over your skin. His face comes up to eye level with yours, his lips a hair's breath from your own.
"I have cared ever since you walked through those damned doors and into my life." The sincerity in his eyes makes your knees wobble as you take in his words. He... cared? About you?
"I am not a good man." He goes on, his mouth moving once more to trail over your jawline to your neck and back up, "And I do not know how to love. But what I do know is that what I feel for you is like nothing I've felt before." You suck in a sharp breath, your brain screaming at you that this is just another one of his games as your heart falls to the floor for this man in front of you.
"Bullshit." You whisper, your voice weak and frail. Your last attempt to reject your own feelings before he could break your heart. But you knew it was too late, anyway. You had already fallen.
His eyes connected with yours once more and you thought that if he wasn't holding you up right now, you would be on the floor from your legs giving out.
"You are the only one who makes my heart beat quicken. The only one who makes my mind clear and my smile true." His words hit deep inside of you as his hands slide down your arms, stopping on your hips as your arms come down to your sides.
"You. It has always been you." You don't say anything as you stare into his eyes, looking for anything saying that he is lying. But you find nothing but sincerity and warmth.
"Kiss me." He whispers onto your mouth, making your lips part slightly, "Please, kiss me."
Your body moves before your mind can stop you as you lift your hands to his head, intertwining your fingers into the soft strands of his hair.
You smash your lips onto his and your leg comes up to wrap around his waist. Before you know what has happened, both of your legs are wrapped around him as he holds you against the wall, his hardness pressing into your core.
You moan into his mouth as his hands come down to cup your behind, keeping you stationed on the wall. His mouth breaks from yours as he moves down to your neck, sucking and nipping in ways that will surely leave marks by morning. You didn't care.
His mouth finds yours again as he pushes off the wall and makes his way down the hall, you still in his arms. He opens the door to your room with ease, shutting it behind you as you make your way to the bed in the middle of the room.
He gently lays you on the bed, coming down above you and bracing his arms on either side of your head. His kiss is gentle this time. Sweet and kind as he trails over your face, leaving wet kisses all over your skin.
Your hands find his cheeks and you pull his face to yours, locking your gazes as you rub your thumb over his skin.
"Please do not break my heart." You whisper, bringing your forehead to his and closing your eyes.

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