Azriel and Gwyn: The Necklace - Part 2

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The next few weeks went by with no excitement. Gwyn had noticed Azriel's absents at training and had simply brushed it off as him being busy. Surely he wasn't just avoiding her. Not that she cared, of course. 

Gwyn walked through the library, making her way up to the House for training that day. Her anger had faded since the day she found out Azriel's gift had been gifted to Elain first. She had burned it shortly after and smiled while doing so.

But she couldn't deny the often aches of regret she had when she would reach for her neck, only to find it bare. As much as she hated what he had done, she had loved that necklace, had grown attached to the glass rose.

Gwyn shook the thought from her head as she walked through the door leading to the training area, and stopped short. Standing in the middle of the ring stood Nesta, Emerie and Cassian, talking like they normally did while waiting for others to arrive. 

But today, Azriel stood beside Cassian, his arms crossed over his chest as his shadows danced around his shoulders. Gwyn's breath caught in her throat as his eyes found hers. For a moment, she thought of turning around and going back to her room for the morning. 

But that would only make her look weak and childish. She was neither of those things. So Gwyn shook her head, breaking her gaze with the Shadowsinger, and walked towards her friends. She tried not to think of him, but she caught herself balling her fists and grinding her teeth at the mere thought of what he had done to her.

And on the other hand, she would catch herself thinking of the way his muscles flexed when he punched, or how his legs moved when he jogged. She mentally kicked herself for those thoughts, remembering how he had left with Elain in the staircase that one day.

Even if he didn't want Elain, he still would not pick you. You are damaged goods, too traumatized to even be thought of as a significant other.

Gwyn actually snarled at herself this time, combing her hair back from her face with her hands and refocusing on the punching log in front of her. That's when she felt him behind her, his shadows creeping into the edges of her vision. 

They tangled with her feet, making her look down and giggle at how they wrapped up her legs. She stopped herself, though, returning to the log in front of her as he stood and watched. Taking a big breath, she punched. A piece of the wood chipped off. She punched again, more wood fell to the ground.

She punched a third time, and just before she lifted her fist to punch again, Azriel's hand found her elbow, holding it in place. "If you strike again you'll break it in half." He spoke, his breath tickling the back of her neck.

"Maybe I want to break it in half." She whispered back, turning towards Azriel and tugging her arm free, "Maybe I've been aching to break something for weeks and you just kept me from channeling my anger into that log. Meaning, that I need to break something else. Shall I break you, Shadowsinger?" 

Gwyn had inched closer to Azriel, her voice growing loud enough to grab the attention of others nearby. "If you wish, priestess." Azriel's breath tickled Gwyn's ear as he spoke, "But you must know, I like to be broken." 

Azriel leaned back to catch Gwyn's gaze as her cheeks heated. Something hot crept into her stomach as her insides tightened and she stepped back, away from him. "I- I think I am done for the day." She announced and headed for the staircase.

But she did not make it far before she felt that all too familiar hand on her elbow once more, causing her to stop and turn. She was looking up at Azriel, having to strain her neck to see his eyes. How did she get into this situation twice?

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