Azriel and Gwyn: "Whatever you want, Gwyneth."

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You ask and you shall receive! Another Gwyn and Az one shot for ya'll! I promise I will do different ones before I do Gwynriel again I just needed to get this one out of my head and onto paper!

This one's a little shorter and doesn't have spice but I love writing their dynamic and coming up with snarky remarks for the two of them AH SJM needs to hurry with the next book!

Make sure to vote and comment what you think! And also let me know what you all would want to see (Other characters or Gwynriel) by either commenting or private DMing me!

Alright I'll leave you alone now to enjoy this fun little training scene with my favorite couple ;)

-Faith xx

Fanart credit: sophieburkearts on Tumbler :)


Gwyn smiled brightly as she stepped up onto the last step, walking through the door that led out to the training area. Straight ahead, his back to her, Azriel stood on a sparring mat cleaning his beloved Truth-Teller. She strutted towards him, a sly comment already forming in her mind as she neared him. She had asked him that morning to help her privately with her sword play, wanting to advance enough to be at Nesta's skill level. He had obliged and told her to meet him here later that day.

"Am I interrupting something? I can come back if you two need some privacy." Gwyn says, gesturing towards Azriel's intent concentration on his already shining dagger. Azriel looked up as she circled him, now in front of the Shadowsinger. The tip of his mouth curved up in a quiet smirk as he looked down at her, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Just passing the time as I wait for you to get here." He replies, sheathing his Truth-Teller and turning towards the rack of weapons beside the mat they stood on. He picks up two swords, turning back to Gwyn and tossing one to her, making sure the hilt faces her. Gwyn catches the sword easily, gripping the leather shaft tightly.

Azriel comes to stand directly in front of her, his eyes scanning her stance as she readies her sword and plants her feet. Not finding any errors in Gwyn's position, Azriel brings his eyes up to hers.

"We go until one of us is on the floor, or concedes." The Spymaster explains, concentration taking over his expression. They start to circle each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. After three circles, it ends up being Gwyn that takes the first strike, bringing her sword down to meet Azriel's head on. Steel clashes with steel as they move around each other, meeting each strike with speed and efficiency.

Their breaths grow heavy, clouding in front of their mouths from the cold air around them. Gywn's body starts to grow tired as she takes each of Azriel's attacks with her sword. She knew he was going easy on her, not meeting her with all of his skill. She grew frustrated at that, wanting him to challenge her with the skill she would have to meet in a real battle.

"Stop going easy on me." Gwyn grunted as she met her sword with his, her face only inches from his before she shoved his sword back. "Fine, but it's your funeral." Azriel smirks, circling her once more with a predator intent.

Gwyn knew her mistake before he even moved. Knew she had left her right side unprotected as she watched him move around her. If she was being completely honest with herself, she was really distracted by the way his muscles shifted under his tight black shirt, his long legs moving gracefully as he stalked towards her. But before she could fix her stance to cover that side of her body, the hilt of Azriel's sword came down onto her hip, knocking her off balance. Clutching her side with her hand, Gwyn looked up at Azriel, a death glare blazing into him.

"Asshole." She blurted, straightening once again and sprinting towards him, her sword aimed for his left leg. He blocked her effortlessly, knocking her sword from her hands completely, making it land on the other side of the mat. "You asked for it." Azriel shrugged a smirk on his lips.

Gwyn watched the Shadowsinger for a second, prowling around him as she searched for anything that would give her a leg up in her predicament. She raised her fists in front of her face, refusing to give up, even without her sword. Azriel's eyes flashed in amusement and maybe even pride as he watched Gwyn plant her feet once more. He tossed his sword to the mat, kicking it to the corner where Gwyn's also laid, raising his fists in the same position as hers.

"To make it fair." Azriel inclines his head towards Gwyn, encouraging her to make the first move as she moves towards him. She finds no opening for her to strike and starts to get antsy as she waits for him to move. Gwyn decides to set up a trap for the Shadowsinger, leaving her left side open for him to attack as she moves even closer to him.

Azriel takes the bait, moving to slam his fist into her hip, but Gwyn expects this and grabs Azriel's wrist before he makes contact. She twists his arm with all of her strength, pushing him back and slamming her fist into the side of his face at the same time. The impact has pain radiating up her hand and wrist, but the smug feeling growing in her chest makes the pain secondary as she watches Azriel straighten himself in front of her. His breath is heavy as he wipes the blood from his lip, meeting Gwyn's eyes as he smirks at her. "Nice trick, Priestess."

Gwyn lowers her head in a mock bow, taking her eyes off of Azriel for a split second to do so. That was mistake number two. Azriel moves, sprinting towards Gwyn and bringing his leg out to swipe her off her feet. Gwyn goes down, her butt slamming into the floor as her head hits the mat. Azriel is on top of her a split second later, his body pressing up against hers as he brings his arm up to her throat. "Gotcha." Azriel chuckles, his eyes trailing from her lips to her eyes.

Gwyn's breath catches in her throat as Azriel shifts slightly, making his legs fit right in between her own. Azriel catches the action, making heat bloom in his eyes as he scans her face.

Slowly, Gwyn brings her hand up to his cheek, pressing her palm to his hot skin. Azriel's lips part slightly, making her eyes dart to his mouth. He raises his arm from her neck, placing it beside her head to brace himself above her, his face mere inches from hers. His breath wafts over her skin, causing a shiver to run down her spine that had nothing to do with the chilly air.

Gwyn started to lift her face towards his slowly, her eyes still lingering on his parted lips. And just before their lips are about to touch, she flings her legs around Azriel's hips, twisting her body as hard as she can and flipping on top of him.

His body now under hers, Gwyn pins both of the Shadowsinger's hands above his head, leaning down to whisper in his ear, "Do I distract you, Shadowsinger?" Her breath lingers on Azriel's skin and she feels a tremor rack through his body. It makes her smile, makes her feel powerful to know the effect she has on him.

"Full of tricks today aren't we, Priestess?" He replies, breathless as he lays pinned beneath her, completely at her mercy. Gwyn only smirks at that, dropping the grip on his hands and jumping up and onto her feet. She lowers her hand to Azriel, offering him help up.

"I win! What's my prize?" She exclaims as he takes her hand, jumping to his feet with ease.

"Whatever you want, Gwyneth."

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