Goodbye, My True Love

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Hey, Readers!!!!!! Just one more chapter after this until the whole series is over :'( I'm trying to have the whole series finished in one night so that you guys don't have to wait. If I don't have i don't have it all finished by tonite, i'll probs have it finished by tomorrow! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 22, ENJOY!!!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ruining my ears. I opened one eye to see that it was already noon. Lucy wasn't by my side anymore. I touched her side of the bed to feel that it was cold, which meant that she left the bed a long time ago. I got up and walked over to the living room to see Lucy playing with the twins. She was making strange faces and noises, making the twins laugh. I myself laughed so hard I thought I would die. Lucy looked up in shock and blushed. "S-Stop laughing!"

"How can I not stop laughing! You're face is too adorable!" I kept on laughing. Lucy pouted angrily and looked away. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. "Are you ready for today?"

I could feel Lucy's energy suddenly skyrocket to the roof. "Yeah!"

I smiled. "Then let's get ready!"

We changed into our summer clothes and packed up the twins' toys. Then we headed to Gajeel's apartment, which was just two floors under ours. We handed Louise and Elliot to Levy. "We'll be back soon, alright?" Lucy told them. The twins smiled and clapped their hands. We said our goodbyes and headed to the first train to Cilorthia. In the past, I would've refused any type of transportation what so ever. But now, I was quite comfortable with it, thanks to Wendy. During our train ride, I look to see Lucy staring out the window in deep thought. She looked absolutley beautiful in the sunlight. Her skin practically glowed like gold. She noticed me smiling at her. "You must be enjoying yourself if you're smiling like a fool." She giggled.

"I am, actually." I smiled. I rested my head against her shoulder. She rested her hea on mine, and we stayed like that through the whole train ride.

When we finally arrived at Cilorthia, if was very humid. The minute I stepped out of the cool train, I instantly began to sweat. "Aah! Why is it so hot!" Lucy complained, waving a fan by her face.

"I know!" I complained as well, taking off my shirt. I grabbed Lucy's hand and exclaimed, "Let's go get some sweets!" We stopped by one of the best bakery shops and bought ourselves crepes filled with custard, chocolate, and strawberries. I saw Lucy take a single bite of it and squeal. "So good!"

I took a bite and suddenly felt a burst of sweet flavors in my mouth. "It is!" We continued to eat our crepes as we walked on the shoreline of the beach. We dipped our feet into the water, which was neither cold nor hot. The perfect temperature. As I licked my fingers clean of the dessert, I suddenly water running down my back, giving me chills. I turn to see Lucy sticking her tongue out and waving her hand, winking at me. "Oh no you don't!" I growled playfully. I made splashed Lucy where she was wet all over her lower body. "Natsu!" She squealed. She chased my by the shore line, trying to use her Water Magic on me. To her surprise, I hoisted her up in the air so that she would stop running. "Because of you, we're both wet." I smirked.

"It's not my fault. You're the one who returned the attack." She said in her defense, sticking our her tongue.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Really." She winked, laughing at the end. Her face suddenly turned into a light shade of red. "Can we...head to the Library?"

I had almost forgotten about the Library, which was the main idea why we even came to Cilorthia. I smiled and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Of course we can."

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