Shared Wounds; Unbreakable Bonds

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Hey, Readers!!!! Just made the best gingerbread house ever! Or should I say.....gingerbread tardis!!! :D For all you Doctor Who fans, YOUR WELCOME!!!!!!!! Lol Anyhoo, here's Chapter 17, ENJOY!!!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

 I looked at the black vortex with fear. Elliot and Louise began to cry in my arms again, and I tried to rock them back to sleep. "Natsu, I don't like this."

"Me neither. We should head back to Fairy Tail. Are you well enough to fly?" He asked me. I nodded and handed him Louise. We both sprouted our wings and began to fly back to Fairy Tail. As we flew over Fiore, I noticed something about the town.

Everything was dying. The once so colorful and bright kingdom was now bleak and filled with no life. Everything was so quiet, like a ghosttown in the west. When we finally reached Fairy Tail, we landed on the ground and walked in the guide. I gasped at what I saw.

I saw almost all of Fairy Tail members wounded badly, moaning in pain. I gasped at the sight, covering my mouth with my one free hand. "What happened?!"

"Dark....Magic..Creatures unknown.." Gray groaned. I rushed by his side. I look to see a giant, deep cut on his chest. "Oh Gray..."

His eyes left my face and stared at something else. "Is're child?"

I looked down at Louise and smiled. "Yeah, she is. This is Louise. I have another child with Natsu named Elliot."

"Congrats, Lucy." He smiled weakly. 

"Where's Juvia?" I asked. His eyes suddenly fell, filled with tears. "She got hit critically. Their trying to do everything they can, but..."

"Oh, no." I gasped, tears filling in my eyes. Juvia was dying. A girl who was would never rest until Gray was hers, and when she finally accomplished it, she became even stronger. I could never imagine her actually dying. "She's going to be alright." I whispered, squeezing his hand. I could hear Natsu's footsteps walking behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder. Gray fixed his eyes and smiled. "Congrats man. You're finally a dad."

I looked up to see a tear fall down Natsu's face. "I'm so sorry, man."

"I've dealt with worse stuff than this." He smirked. He winced in even more pain, and soon fell to sleep. Wendy, who was only slightly bruised, came up and gasped. "You had your babies!" 

I nodded. "Elliot and Louise."

"I should examine them, since you didn't give birth in a hospital." She took the twins away from me and into another room. The minute they left my arms, I kind of felt...empty. I guess that's the price of becoming a mother. I turned around to see Natsu storming off into another room. Curious, I followed him. He suddenly slammed the door behind me, startling me. "Natsu?" I slightly open the door to see him punching glass, his knuckles turning bloody. "Natsu!" I screamed. I ran up to him and grabbed his arms. He tried to fight it off, but I've done this several times where I can defeat his strength. "Why? Why are you hurting youself!"

"Because I deserve it!" He cried. I looked at him with confusion, words not able to describe how I was feeling. "I made them go out to the castle, and look at all this! They're in critical condition, almost to the brink of death!" I could see that his face was hurt emotionaly. I gently touched his face and said, "You didn't make them go."

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