Everything Crumbles Because of the Flag

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Hey, Readers!!!!! I'm starting to relate how other authors feel when people keep nagging them to update :/. Let me just get this straight: WE HAV LIVES OUTSIDE THE COMPUTER! This week has been VERY STRESSFUL! It's the end of the term, and I have this huge test on saturday that decides whether or not I get into the highschool of my dreams!!!!! So yeah fans, chill XD. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 10, ENJOY!!!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

I was so dazed from shock and looking at the sky, that I didn't hear the sound of the villagers shrieking with fear. I look back from the ironically beautiful view and see smoke and light coming from the village. I began to feel worried about Natsu and the twins, so I got up and speed walked towards the village. As I walked quickly, I saw the blurred faces of villagers running towards the field. "Why is this happening!" A woman shrieked.

"Is God punishing us?!" A man roared in question.

"Lord, forgive us!" A young woman begged at the sky. 

Is Natsu okay, I thought in my head as I struggled through the crowd of people. The smell of smoke entered my lungs, making me cough violently. I fell the ground, not a single person thoughtful enough to help me up. The smell of burning wood filled my nose. The gruesome part was that there was a hint of burning flesh mixed in with it. I threw up to the smell, and my stomach suddenly bursted in pain. "It...hurts.."I gasped, squeazing my stomach.

"LUCY!" I heard someone roar.

I looked up to see that it was Natsu and the twins. I could see Natsu's face mixed in with relief and worry at the same time. He ran up to me and lifted me up to his arms. He hugged me tightly, and it felt like he would never want to let go. "Thank God, your safe!" Natsu sighed with relief.

I wanted to tell him that he shouldn't be worried about me, but instead I continued to cough violently. "We have to get her away from all this smoke!" Louise cried.

"Right!" Natsu agreed. Supporting my body, the four of us began to quickly evacuate Hinamizawa. "It's okay, Mama! Your going to be safe!" Elliot told me with confidence. I could feel my heart thumping with glee. It felt good to hear your own son say that he'll protect you.

It made my heart glow.

Suddnly,  someone pulled my long blonde hair volently, pulling me away from Natsu's arms. "Ah!" I screamed in pain.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we finally found you, missy." A deep male voice chuckled. I looked up to see a giant man in a full set of silver and blue armor. When I saw the insignia on his right chest, that's when I knew what was happening.

The army had found me.

"Let go of her!" Natsu roared.

"This woman is an outlaw! I'll let her go when she rots in a jail cell!" The giant man roared.

I felt an aura of anger coming from Natsu, going past the boiling point. "I..Said...LET HER GO!" He screetched. He made his running start, his hands beginning to engulfed in flames. He winded up his arm, getting ready for the punch.

"Word Magic: Stop!" The soldier yelled. His arm an inch from the soldier's face, Natsu froze in mid air. The kids gasped. "What...did..you?" Natus asked, barley able to move his mouth.

"Now that's that dealt with, your coming with me." The soldier sneered. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screetched. "Bubble Shot!" Powerful bubbles shot out from my hands, hitting the soldier. He was flown back at least five feet.

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