Preparations For Battle

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Hey, Readers!!! It's almost Christmas time! and not only that, but my birthday too!!!!!! you know what I want for my birthday? For Natsu and Lucy to end up together! If that happens, it will be the best birthday present ever!!!!! Also, can anyone give me Hiro Mashima's email! i want to say a few words to him :3! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 11, ENJOy!!!!!!!!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

I flew as fast as I could, holding Elliot and Louise in my arms. The wind was practically peircing my skin, but I didn't care. I had a mission to fullfil, for not only my benifet, but for the twins as well. After almost two hours of flying, we finally reached Fairy Tail. I could see Gray waiting  on the roof top. "GRAAAY!" I yelled from the sky.

Gray looked up and smiled, waving his hands in the air. "GET DOWN HERE, FIRE BREATHE!"

Although I would've been pissed if Gray had called me that before, it was felt good to see a familiar face. I landed on the roof, and my wings disappeared. "Is everyone ready?" I asked.

"They're all downstairs, waiting for your instructions. By the way, who're the munchkins?" Gray asked, his attention at Louise and Elliot.

"Oi! We're not munchkins!" Elliot growled.

"What does munchkins mean?" Louise asked me.

"It means nothing, Louise." I told her, trying not to make her cry. I looked at Gray, who was still looking for an answer. I sighed. "Gray, these are my kids."

At that moment, Gray's jaw dropped to the floor. He began to studder words with no meaning. I patted his back and chuckled. "It's a LOOOONG story."

When we got downstairs to the main floor, every single member of Fairy Tail was there in silence. They all had a serious look on their faces, which meant that it was game time now. "What are we going to do, Natsu!" Gajeel growled.

"They took Lu-Chan!" Levy hissed, holding Isis in her arms.

"Are we going to fight?" Wendy asked.

"Hell yeah we are!" I yelled. Everyone yelled back in agreement. "What's the plan, then?" Ezra asked.

"Here's the plan" I told them. This plan was for once well organized, thought thoroughly, and had plenty of surprise in it. After I told them, they looked at me with shock. "You thought of that all by yourself?!" Juvia gasped.

"This isn't the first plan I've made!" I growled.

"But it's your first brillian plan!" Master gasped, a tear in his . "You're finally grown up."

"Papa, these people are funny!" Louise laughed.

"PAPA?!" Everyone gasped.

"It's a long story." I sighed.

"Papa apparently has a lot of long stories." Elliot sighed as well. I knocked my hand upon Elliot's head, and he yelled through pain. He stuck out his tounge at me. "Okay, so are we ready to get Lucy!" I cried.

"YEAH!" Everyone cried.

Dont worry Lucy, I thought in my head, we're coming to save you.

Lucy P.O.V

When I woke up, I was freezing cold. My eyes slowly began to open, but I didn't see the ray of sunshine like usual.

I only saw darkness.

I sat up straight and felt something weird on the tips of my finger tips. I didn't feel the matress of my bed, nor did I feel the soft grass.

It was cement.

That's when the memory came back. I wasn't in Hinamizawa anymore.

I was back at Fiore, in a prison cell.

Panic waved through my body as looked around to see metal bars all around me. This can't be happening, I thought. Oh Lord, let this be a dream!

Suddenly, I heard a loud clank bang sound from far away. I crawled my way to the cell door and cried, "Is anyone there!" A large guard, probably larger than the one who attempted to kidnap me, was now looking at me, his eyes emotionless. "You have an audience with Her Majesty."

The Princess! She's the one who's after me! The guard opened my cell and pulled me up, tieing my arms. Suddenly, I began to feel my magic draining from my body. "Just in case you try to pull something funny, these ropes are magic proof."

Damn it, I cursed in my head. He pushed me forward, and we slowly began to walk towards the main room of the castle.

When we got there, there were probably at least twenty guards there. They all had stern and serious faces, making me shake with fear. They all move to the side, and that's when I see her.

Princess Anastasia.

She looked completley different then what she looked like a week ago. She lost her glow, almost lifeless. "Well, well, well. Look who's trying to kill me." She sneered.

"I'm not trying to kill you!" I defended my self, tears falling down my face.

"SILENCE! I DID NOT ALLOW YOU TO SPEAK!" She screamed. I recolied back, until I felt the cold metal of one of the guard's armor. She took a deep breathe and smiled. She walked up towards me, and my fear began to rise. She stopped at the point where our face were inches apart. "I want to see your blood spill." She spatted maliciously.

I could feel my face draining color. "Are you going to kill me now?"

She laughed again. "Not now, of course. We have to purify you first."

"Purify?" I was very confused. What did she mean by purify.

"We're going to cleanse you of your sins, and then broadcast your execution. Justice will finally be served then." She said proudly.

"Justice?! Your killing an innocent woman and her unborn kids!" I screetched.

"Anything that is an endanger to the Royal Family is an autimatic execution!" She screetched back. She took another deep breathe and began to twirl my long blonde hair. "You are a very beautiful woman. That means you must have a handsome husband."

She caught my attention. "Your husband is Natsu, is it not? Maybe after I'm through with you, I can make him my prince."

"Dont you dare touch my husband!" I screamed.

"But he would make an excellent king." She pouted. "I can just imagine his soft, warm lips upon mine. It must be heaven!"

Hearing those words reminded me of someone; Lisanna. They way she was almost crazy with power reminded me of how Lisanna was towards her power and Natsu. 

And she ended up committing suicide, not able to handle everything at once.

"Please," I begged, tears flowing down my face, "let the kids live at least. There must be some other way!"

She laughed with a more taste of malice in it. "Take her back into the dungeon! Her purification will be tomorrow morning!"

The guards grabbed my arms and began to carry me off into the dungeon, when suddenly, the Princess ordered, "Stop! Wait, I have a question."

The guards stopped and turned around so that I was facing Anastasia. "What." I said quietly.

"When are your babies expected to be born?"

"In two days." I said silently.

"Perfect." She smiled. "Take her away!"

They threw me back into my cell, but not hard enough to harm my unborn kids. I looked at myself and  cried on how dirty and messy I looked.

"Natsu." I cried silently. "Where are you, Natsu?!"

And for the rest of the day, I laid crying in my cell, wondering if this was really the end for me.

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