"Little" Surprises

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Hey, Readers!!!! Yes, i know, it's sad that we're at the final book after like what, a month and a half. You guys have beens sooo inspiring to me, and u guys are the reason I still write! THANKS SO MUCH!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 1, ENJOY!!!!


 Natsu P.O.V

For the first time in months, I woke up before Lucy did. She was technically my alarm clock, and it shocked me how early I woke up. The sun wasn't even out yet. I looked at my clock. 



I looked over to my left to see Lucy sleeping soundly. Her features have kind of changed through out the years. Her hair was now long, down to her back, and she refused to cut it. Her face was now more vibrant than usual, and she started singing. Alot. She squeezed my hand in her sleep, which meant she was having a nightmare. I stroked my hand against her face, and her tight grip relaxed. Her wedding ring shined brightly as the sun began to rise. It's been seven months since we got married, seven months since I've seen Igneel, seven months since Lucy and I earned our wings. I sighed, my head going through all the messed up things we've been through ever since we got together : Lisanna, the Six Gods, Isamu, Lucy's brother. It felt like the whole world was against us being together. 

But now, I wanted to be with Lucy more than  anything in the world.

I decided to carefully get out of bed and make breakfast. I turned on the stove and decided to make omlets. I brought out the eggs, green peppers, and paprica and began to throw them all in the stove. I heard Lucy groan and awaken. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I greeted playfully.

"Good morning." Lucy yawned. I turned around to see Lucy scratching her eyes, her dorm shirt going up to her knees. She walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. "That smells good." She gasped, fawning over the omlet.

"You must be really hungry to want my extra spicy omlets." I laughed.

"I've been hungry a lot for the past two weeks!" Lucy exclaimed, her mouth practically covered in drool. I wiped the drool. "How many omlets?" I asked her.

"Three! No, Four! Definetley four!" She exclaimed, jumping up in the air.

"Four for you, two for me then." I smiled.

When the omlets were ready, she began to devour her omlets. She was eating like a truck driver, not even taking a breathe.

One of the reasons why I love her so much. 

"Oi, slow down, will you." I laughed.

She nodded, but continued to eat her pace. Suddenly, the alarm clock went off, telling us it was nine o'clock.  Lucy wiped her face and said, "We have to get ready! Levy wanted to tell me somthing urgently." She got up and headed towards the bathroom, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her to my lap. "What's the hurry. We've got plenty of time." I began to kiss her neck, and I could feel Lucy shaking.

"But..I have to.." She breathed. But I knew her well enough that she would immediatley get tempted. She turned herself around and began to kiss my lips with major intensity. I could feel her hands run through my pink hair, and my hands were on her waist, plus her long gold hair. Our tongues danced in our mouths, and Lucy's moans made me want to go further. I began to raise her shirt, getting ready to go even further, when Lucy's phone began to ring. She picked it up and said, "It's Levy."

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