Chapter 15- Tournament of Heroes

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“Ladies and gentlemen, heroes from across globe, I welcome you to the finale in the Tournament of Heroes,” Ultraman beams. A triumphant symphony plays behind him, the crowd goes wild.

I sit with my arms crossed, no emotion crossing my face.

“You ok Dante,” Adam says to me, raising an eyebrow, “You don’t look ok? Are you nervous? Are you sick? Homesick? Anxious?”

He’s gotten into the habit of fast talking again, a sign that he’s probably nervous himself. “Yah,” I grumble, “I’m just peachy.”

Sitting on the stage is every competitor from the competition. They’re all lined in their hideous, colorful uniforms they were given. Well except Natasha, who has followed my lead and is still wearing a normal T-shirt and some shorts. Nightshade, a.k.a. David wasn’t there either and had remained locked up.

Some of the heroes are smiling, laughing, posing for the cameras. Little does the crowd and the people back home know that they are currently tied up from behind and given a death warrant if they even as much hint that something is amiss. Well, everyone except the traitors. All those who joined Ultraman, Alex included, weren’t bound like the rest of them and had smug looks spread across their faces.

We had all been taken from the jail this morning and propped up on stage to help Ultraman pull off his little scheme. Only my team, along with Brian and Luke’s, weren’t joining them. We were pulled off to the side to participate in the competition. Ultraman had warned me that I was to participate as if nothing was wrong and if I didn’t I’d be saying goodbye to all my friends. So I’m forced to act as if nothing is wrong, but that doesn’t mean I have to act happy about it.

We weren’t in the normal press room like we were used to. Instead the competition was brought to a giant arena, probably the simulation chamber all our other challenges had taken place in, but instead of some bizarre scenario it was just a plain dirt field.

The stage was set up on one corner and a crowd filled the stadium. In one section the entire Ultraleague sat along with other heroes from around the world. They had all come in to watch the festivities.

“I’d like to acknowledge all the heroes who have worked so hard to get to this point,” Ultraman says. He’s really grating on my nerves now with the whole ‘good-guy act.” He’s even gone through all the trouble to wear his complete Ultraman outfit, a white bodysuit with a purple Ultraman symbol on his chest. Oh, and a cape, a guy like him just couldn’t pass up on a cape now could he?

The crowd cheers for everyone and Ultraman continues, “In today’s competition it will be a straight out fight, every man for themselves. The last person standing will be declared the winner.”

“It’s been fun teaming up with you guys,” Zane says as we make our way across the arena. He says the words Adam and I have been avoiding. Although we had made a good team now we would be fighting each other.

“You to Zane, I’m glad you proved to have a personality after all,” I tease.

“Good luck guys. I hope I win but if I don’t I want one of you two to win. Well, really I want to win. I think I might have a shot. There are a lot of people here. Are you guys nervous? Because I’m not nervous at all,” Adam rattles off, bouncing on his feet so fast he’s blurring.

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