Chapter 5- Tournament of Heroes

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I wake up to the smell of smoke.

I immediately shoot up and look at the next bed over. It’s empty. No Alex.

As I look around the room I realize all my belongings that I had unpacked the previous night are now gone and only my tool belt rests on the bedside table.

The room is suddenly lit up by a glowing blue light coming from the TV. I scurry over to it and big white letters start to scroll across the screen.

"Good morning Anthem Girl," it says, "You have been assigned to C class team nine. Your teammates will meet you in the lobby. Your first mission begins now. The building you are in is currently on fire and coming down. However, there is still one civilian trapped somewhere in this hotel. Your team's objective is to find the missing girl and put out the fire all in the allotted time limit. If you fail to do so your team will be eliminated."

The TV turns off and my room grows dark, only faintly illuminated by the city lights outside my window. I grab my tool belt and sling it across my waist. I'm still in my pajamas; a big t-shirt, polka-dot boxer shorts, and knee-high socks. I look around the room for shoes or anything useful but there's nothing left.

Looks like this will have to do. I run out the room and into the hallway, in which a layer of smoke is faintly visible, and sprint down the stairs.

I'm the last one to reach the lobby. There are two other boys waiting with stressed looks on there faces.

The first boy has dark skin and a buzzed head. He's about my height and ironically wearing only boxers with the Ultroman symbol printed all over them. He shoots me a smile and before I know it he's standing in front of me. Super speed?

"Hi. My name is Adam. I'm your B class and I'm from FloraCity, sixteen, five-eight, and my power is super speed," he rattles off before I even have a chance to open my mouth.

"Dante. C class, no powers," I smiled back and shake his hand.

"If you two are done we're kind of on a mission," the other boy snaps. Adam and I turn to look at him. He's tall and lanky with long black shaggy hair. He look s to me like one of those overly dramatic ‘life is pain’ kind of people. Somehow he's managed to chance into black jeans and a black shirt doesn’t help his image.

"Fine," I say, although he was rather rude about it he did have a point.

As if on cue a beeping noise rings from the ceiling. "Fifteen minutes remaining," a robotic voice from nowhere says.

"Let's split up," the moody boy suggests.

"I'll take the top twenty floors," Adam says before zooming off up the stairwell.

"I'll take the lower," the other boy says sternly. Instantly he starts to look fuzzy and disappears in a cloud of black smoke.

Whoa. I wonder what his power is. I don't have much time to think though because a flaming chunk of the ceiling falls down next to me.

The Anthem Force ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora