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“Yah so everyone turned evil but we managed to stop them, oh and I broke my wrist… again. Yah mom, I’m fine no need to worry. Yes, I’ll be careful. Love you, bye.”

I close the phone and slip it into my pocket. My mom is going to go crazy worrying about me one of these days. Of course it doesn’t help that she keeps seeing me on the news fighting superpowered villains… but still. She’s threatened a million times to quit her job and come back to Anthem to watch me but I’d never let her do that.

Besides, she shouldn’t have to worry today because today is a good day. Brian’s invited all of us to a basement in a sort of “sorry we accidentally turned evil and tried to kill you” party.

Should be fun.

It’s been too long since I’ve been to Brian’s place. We used to come here all the time and train in his basement. I knock twice on the door and it’s opened almost instantly.

“Dante! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever. I heard you just saved the city, again! Wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“Woah slow down there Speedy, I can barely understand you,” I say as I pull Adam into a hug. Adam was one of my teammates during the tournaments of heroes. Since then he and Zane (my other teammate) have gone off to Iris City to start their own superpowered team. I’ve visited them often in my years but it never seems like quite enough. Adam’s a little taller now and not so stick thin but he still has that same great smile.

“Well come on in. Everybody’s already here.”

I walk down the steps to the basement, one I haven’t seen in so long, and he’s right. Everyone is here: Brian, Ricky, Luke, David, Alex, Jenna, Lexi, Natasha, Zane, and Adam, all of my closest friends in one place.

“Dante!” Jenna says as she rushes up the stairs to greet me and tackles me to the ground in a hug.

“Woah there,” I laugh, “Watch the wrist… but it’s good to see you to.”

“Sorry D,” she giggles, “It’ s just been too long.”

I scramble to my feet and walk down to join my friends. It’s nice to see my old team, my new team, and my friends from the tournament all talking together. There’s laughter and awkward apologies from my old team to my new about their fights. Zane and Adam talk to me for a good while about their own team in Iris City. It started out rocky but they’ve managed to get one of the better programs going.

“Look at him,” Lexi grumbles when her, Jenna, and I are all sitting around talking, “Look out how smug he looks.”

Lexi keeps shooting the evil eye to Brian who’s chatting with Radley.

“Come on, Lex. No need to be bitter,” Jenna chides her. Lexi let’s out a humph but doesn’t stop sneering.

“How are you and Ricky?” I ask Jenna, changing the subject.

Just by mentioning his name Jenna’s eyes light up and her cheeks flush. “Good, really good. I’m a girl in love Dante.”

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