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When I wake up there’s a puddle of black drool on my pillow. Fangs are protruding from my mouth and my eyes are glazed over in a pool of red. I feel taller, wider, and there may or may not be spikes rolling down my spine. 

“Gah!” I scream out, although it comes out more like a disgruntled roar. It takes everything I have, a few deep breathes, and complete concentration to mellow down into human Radley. 

I hate when I sleep transform, especially when i wake up like that: half-human, half-monster. But something had definitely woken me up. 

I put on my glasses from the bedside table and begin to search for the source of an incessant beeping that’s taken over my bedroom. 

Finally, I find it. My Anthem Force communicator has gone off, a message from the police saying something is attacking the east side of town. Groggily, I shake the sleep from my eyes as everything rushes in. The city is in trouble and I’m leader, so it’s my job to make sure my team is there ready to stop whatever’s attacking. 

I call Andy first, who had already heard the communicator and was on her way. Keith gives a few smart remarks about his “beauty sleep” but says he’s on it. The last teammate is ninja girl, or Noname I guess is what we’re calling her. 

“What?” she snaps over the phone, “You do realize it’s two in the morning.”

“There’s trouble in the east side of town. I need you there now,” I say as I pull on my Anthem Force uniform. I need Noname to be there and I need her to do well. Keith and Andy have to see that she’s a good addition to our team. 

“No. I’m sleeping,” she says before hanging up. I’m left mouth half agape. No? She can’t say no. I’m the leader... right?

I wish I knew where she lives and I’d march down and make her come. But all I have is this phone number. 

I instantly redial the number.  “I don’t think you heard me right. Anthem Force emergency, you need to get up and go.” 

“I didn’t sign up for this,” she snaps, “You guys can deal, right? I don’t even have superpowers so there you go.” 

Ever since Dante there has been a huge boom in non-powered superheroes. She has no excuse. “Go there now or... or, I’ll kick you off the team.” 

She’s silent. “Fine.” 

She hangs up again. So much for everything going well. 


When we get to the east side there’s a large glow radiating from a small shopping center. In the middle, is a boy holding blue fireballs in each hand. He’s wearing jeans, a leather jacket, and has hair shaved to one side. 

“Who’s this guy?” Andy says as I run up to the scene. Keith is already here and surprisingly so is Noname, who’s standing to the side arms crossed. 

I rack my brain but this guy’s not ringing any bells. “Another new villain. That’s weird we’d have two in one week.” Almost unheard of actually. 

“We’ll whoever he is we’re going to kick his ass,” Keith grins as a flurry of sparks escapes his palms. 

“Alright, Anthem Force, let’s go!” I shout. Darn it, that’s not right, “Anthem go!”

“Keep trying buddy,” Keith says before running foreword to tackle the blue-fire guy. Andy is right on his tail while Noname stays behind. 

“What?” she gripes. 

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