Legacies - Volume lV

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Hello everyone, Holly Orange here and this is my super long author's note. Feel free to skip over this.. I was checking back on wattpad and I saw that Super had almost 40,000 reads. I know it's not a lot compared to a lot of the stories on here but for the longest time I could barely break 5,000. So as a thank you to all the people who have taken the time to read this story I've decided to write one final book in the Super series. Plus, I love writing for these characters. Now, to me, the best part of a book is the ending. I love a good ending that wraps everything up and for me the Super series ended exactly how I wanted it to. I was a little hesitant to ruin that so I've decided the fourth book will be a spin-off following Keith, Andy, and Radley from book 3 and their adventures when they take over Anthem Force. Thanks again to everyone for reading!

Here's the excerpt  for Volume lV: Legacies. 

It's a new age for Anthem Force. The team everyone knew and love is on to bigger things and the mantle has been handed down to a new roster of heroes. There's Radley: the boy who everyone thinks is a monster and is just trying to lead the team without the city being destroyed on his watch. Keith:  who's golden boy brother has returned home with some serious baggage. Andy: who's mother has decided hero work is not for a proper young lady. And a new hero with trouble of her own. When a string of new villains keep popping up the team will have to dig deeper into the Anthem underground network and learn the truth about their city: everyone has a secret. 

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