The End

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Betty's perspective


The low humming sound rang once i entered the gates that the guards let me through. I drove down towards the Niont hospital building taking in the calm mood that sourrounded me. patients were outside doing a number of different things. some played chess while seated on white wooden chairs matched with a single wooden table, others just sat down together in the perfectly green grass probably talking about positive things like candy, or TV, things they never saw in Niont hospital. things they still had hope of seeing again, and then of course you have the one outcatse who sat all by themself in the corner leaning against a tree most likely wishing they were either free or dead because both options were correspondingly better then being here. And trust me I would know. I get to see these poor brainless people everyday. I am the head of Niont hospital and i am proud of it. Some people think that being the head of a mental hospital will eventually lead to having your own mental break down but really that's just a thought. I have been the head of Niont mental hospital for 5 years now. five long years of taking these poor people in and keeping them away from the rest of the world. five years of some of the best mental treatment in Alaska. Five years since my grandfather passed away leaving Niont hospital to my full care. Five years and I would not have changed a thing. Niont is like a second home to me. I spend most of my time here in my office and around the hospital doing my job and making sure everything is moving smoothly.


I park my car and get out walking towards the Niont front enterance door's. I pull out my little card from my pocket and swip it across the card reader while I start humming the "alice in wonderland" tune "In a world of my own". The card reader makes a buzz sound confirming the card and opeining the metel doors of Niont. I walk down the long hallway with blank white walls smiling to myself. As I walk a guard passes bye smiling and I smile back continuing my walk to my office. A little while later im opening my office door with my keys and walking in. Turning on my lights I put down the bag from my shoulder onto my medium sized desk filled with books and papers. I sit down at my desk still humming the tune when suddenly the phone on my desk starts ringing. "Hello?" I say answering "Hi boss it's nurse maggie. I was wondering when we should start Kalina's thearapy sesion again. I think she might be ready now?" "you think?" I say as a sence of worrie floads over me. "yes boss I honestly think she is ready for this. we are all dying to know what that mind of hers thinks about all day" "well.. I.. I guess you are right. she has had alot of time so.. we shall start the thearapy today" I say to maggie "okay boss I will have her escorted to the thearapy room right away" maggie says with excitment in her voice and then hanging up. I put the phone down on the stand and lean into my chair closing my eyes. I take a deep breath in from my nose and out of my mouth and open my eyes standing up. I walk out of my office and go towards the thearapy room. next to the thearapy room is another room attached with glass walls that are also used in police stations. The ones where you can see and hear everyting in the other room but to them the walls are just mirror. I sit down in a chair and wait for about 2 minutes untill maggie and Kalina are escorted by a guard into the room. they both sit down at a long table facing each other. I turn on the sound so I can hear them. "so Lina how are you feeling right now?" Maggie asks Kalina "im okay" Kalina answers back. Maggie clears her throt "Alright we should get started then" Maggie pulls out some papers from a vanella folder on the table in front of her. She places the papers in front of Kalina and Kalina looks down at them with a blank face. "do you remember when you drew these and showed them to me Lina?" Kalina smiles up at maggie "yes! how could I forget?" Kalina says to Maggie "good good! now could you please refresh my memory and tell me who the people you drew were again?" Maggie asks Kalina smiling at her warmly Kalina grabs a paper and smiles "this is my best friend Alyssa. Alyssa Torsp." She says holding up a picture of a girl that looks almost identical to Maggie but with honey brown hair instead of the mermaid red hair that maggie sported. Kalina put down the picture and grabed another holding it up "This is my little sister jane" She says smiling. the picture is of a little girl with brown curly hair. Kalina holds up another picture of five boys. I can recongnize them as that boy band all the teens are into these days. "And these are my friends Liam,Harry,niall,zayn,and Louise" She says proudly pointing each out by name. "okay thank you for refreshing my memory I remember now" Maggie says smiling at Kalina. "Now Kalina do you think you could tell me a story?" Maggie asks Kalina "what kind of story?" Kalina asks while putting the last picture down with the others in front of her. "Just tell me... about your friends and how you met them. Tell me about the fun you and your friends have and all the good times you spend together. If that's okay with you Lina?" Maggie asks "I would love to" Kalina says smiling and by the way maggie looks you can tell she is relived and excited. And then Kalina starts to tell a story all about her life and her friends and family. And 2 and a half hours later she is finished. "wow Kalina that was a great story. thank you for sharing it with me" Maggie says sweetly to kalina "no problem" she says smiling back. but before they leave maggie pulls out one more peace of paper "before we finish I forgot about one more drawing that you made Lina" maggie says sliding the picture to Kalina "can you tell me who this is?" she asks. Kalina picks up the paper. her eyes focusing intently on it. Then Kalina's mouth morphs into a giant smile teeth showng and all "That nurse maggie is my mom. isin't she beautiufl?" Kalina asks Maggie still smiling bright. Maggie has shock in her eyes and can't do anything for a few seconds but then she starts to smile "she truly is beautiful honey. just like you" Maggie says to Kalina "now after all this story telling I bet you would love some dinner and free time to draw. how does that sound lina?" Maggie asks Kalina standing up "that sounds great!" she replys following along maggie both leaving the room with the guard now following them to the dinning hall leaving me in complete and utter silence. Five years working in this hospital. Four years since Kalina started coming here. Three years since she forgot her own mother. And two years since Kalina has even seen her mothers face. and as I get up and start walking back to my office tears linning my eyes I can tell you one thing. Four years ago when Kalina became a paitent at Niont mental hospital because of brain dammage caused by a tragic car accident she was in a horrible state. so horrible that she forgot who she was and even who her mother was. The progress that Kalina has made is remarkable. And the one thing that I can tell you is that Kalina's mother would be so proud of her. I would know. I am the person in the last picture. I am Kalina's mom. And I am so very proud of my baby girl.

The End.

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