fireworks chapter 3

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The voice: kalina and Harry walked into the hotel room

kalina: thank you for taking me to get our stuff (smiling)

harry: its no problem( he said grinning) follow me to your room

The voice: kalina followed harry to one of the rooms and kalina saw Alyssa already on the bed sleeping.

kalina: thank you, for everything( she whispered)

harry: its no problem really. Goodnight

kalina: night(she said smiling)

The voice: kalina walks over to the bed and changes into her shorts and a black shirt and lays onto the bed next to her best friend.

kalina's mind: I just cant believe this is happening. This is truly the life that I had hoped for.

The voice: kalina dozed off smiling thinking about everything that had happend since they moved to California.


Next day

The voice: Kalina woke up to the bright sun shining into the small room. She was pratically almost of the bed because Alyssa was spread out on it taking up alot of the room.

kalina's mind: typical Alyssa. she always does this when I sleep over at her house. come on how much room do you need

The voice: Kalina got off the bed and walked into the small dining room to find liam sitting on a chair smiling at her.

Liam: good morning(smiling)

kalina: morning( she said smiling back)

liam: have a good sleep?

kalina: yes i did thank you

The voice: kalina and liam talked for a few minuts than nial walks into the dining room.

nial: morning guys(while yawning)

kalina: good morning

liam: morning mate. do you guys want to come get some starbucks for everyone?

kalina: sounds good

nial: sure

The voice: nial, liam, and Kalina drove over to starbucks while harry,Alyssa,louis,zayn, and perri waited in the hotel room. Harrry knokes on Kalina's door. Alyssa opens the door and smiles.

Alyssa: she isint here

Harry: uh what?

Alyssa: Kalina. she isint here. if you were looking for her(smiling)

Harry: oh... well i uh.. I was actually looking for you.

The voice: Alyssa had a strange look on her face

Alyssa: well come on in.... what did you need?

Harry: I just wanted to ask about kalina.

Alyssa: okay ask away( she said grinning wildly)

Harry: so I was just wondering if.. she. uhh... does she have a boyfriend or anything haha?

Alyssa's mind: oh my gosh, he is soooo into her

Alyssa: nope she doesint. she is one hundred percent single. Why do you ask(she said winking)

Harry: I just wondered ya know.

Alyssa: okay surrreee

The voice: Harry and Alyssa heard the front door close and went into the living area to be greeted by everyone

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