moving on chapter 5

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Kalina diary: so it has been three weeks since my crazy dream about one direction. Me and my mom have been looking at all of the colleges here in Alaska. I graduated high school. I finally turned 18 two weeks ago and it is awesome. I don't think about the crazy realistic dream I had anymore. I have just been moving on with my life. Today me and my mom are reading college applications to see which ones I have been excepted into.

The voice: Kalina and he mother sit in the living room reading college letters.

Mom: Oh my gosh! Kalina! you got excepted into university of Alaska--Anchorage. this is an amazing college, sweet heart I am so proud of you.

Kalina: shut up! shut up! oh my gosh this is amazing mom!

Mom: I know. I'm so happy for you Kalina.

Kalina: When am I going to start?

Mom: well classes don't start until next month, so we can start getting you ready some time this week.

Kalina: okay awesome (she says giving her mom a big hug) I love you mom.

Mom: And I love you

The voice: Kalina spent the rest of her night talking to her mother about the college she would be going to soon. She took a shower and went to bed.


next day

Kalina diary: I woke up today in my warm bed with the sun's rays saying hello to my brown eyes. Yawning I got out of bed and stepped onto my cold wooden floor. I walked into the bathroom, happy that my sister was not already inside. I washed my face and took a shower. Today I wore a simple outfit. Me and my mother are going to be shopping for some things for college today.

The voice: Kalina walked into the kitchen and was greeted by her mother. Kalina walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk and then picked up some lucky charms and sat down to eat.

Mom: we will be leaving in about 15 minutes

Kalina: alright cool

The voice: Kalina finished eating and then brushed her teeth. Kalina and her mother went into her mother's silver car and drove to staples and other places to find things for her college dorm room. Kalina and he mother drove over to the college after shopping to see Kalina's dorm room. The pulled into the college and stepped out of the car. The college is surrounded by nature. tree's and lakes blossom around.

Kalina: wow this place is so beautiful. (walking with her mother towards the college doors)

Mom: yes it is

The voice: Kalina and her mother walked into the doors of the college and up to the receptionist.

Receptionist: Hello, what can I do for you two today?

The voice: The receptionist was a middle aged women with brown hair and blue eyes.

Mom: Yes we are hear to visit my daughters college dorm room.

Receptionist: Name?

Mom: Kalina Ritter

The voice: The receptionists typed several things into her computer leaving clicking sounds in the air. After a few second's she pick's up a phone and talks to an unknown person.

Receptionist: Yes I have a student hear who wants to see her dorm room, could you come down hear and show her and her mother the way(small pause) okay thank you. Okay someone is going to be coming and helping you guys find your dorm room. you can just have a seat over there and they should be hear soon (smiling)

Kalina: thank you(smiling back)

Receptionist: oh and before you leave I will print a map for you and your room number for when you start your classes.

Kalina: oh thank you

The voice: the receptionist starts typing on her computer again and then the sound of printing paper is heard. she picks up the papers and staples them together.

Receptionist: hear you go(giving them to Kalina) and good luck

Kalina: thanks

The voice: Kalina and her mother sat in the waiting room, until a young man walks into the room.

stranger man: hello are you girls the one's waiting for the directions to the dorm room?

Kalina: yes thank you (standing up with her mom)

stranger man: okay well hi my name is Keith (he said reaching his hand out to shake Kalina and her mom's hand's)

Kalina: hi my name is Kalina and this is my mother(shacking Keith's hand)

Keith: Nice to meet you two. Can I see your room information please?

Kalina: yeah hear(handing him the papers)

Keith: okay girls follow me

The voice: Keith Kalina and he mother walked to another building in the college, and up two flights of stairs until they hit Kalina's dorm room c231.

Keith: hear we are girls. Good luck for when you start college. Have a nice night(he said unlocking the dorm room and leaving)

The voice: Kalina and her mother walked into the medium sized dorm room. The dorm room was painted with a pale green color, almost white. It had one window in the room. The dorm has one bed, and a small book shelf under the light colored wooden floor.

Kalina: wow its nice, I love it

Mom: yes it is nice

The voice: for the rest of the time at the college Kalina and her mom started planning out the room and how to decorate it. Kalina and he mom later left the room and drove home. At home.

Kalina: night mom

Mom: night Kalina. tomorrow we can go back to the college and start putting stuff inside your dorm.

Kalina: alright sounds good.

The voice: Kalina and he mother went to sleep.


next day

Kalina diary: today I woke up and got ready to go to my college.

p.s click on the external link to see Kalina's outfit!

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