say what? chapter 6

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Kalina diary: today I woke up and got ready to go to my college.

The voice: Kalina and her mother drove to Kalina's college, and started to unpack all of the things they got for her dorm room.

Mom: Kalina im going to help you bring the rest of the stuff in and then I  am going to have to leave you to set it all up. I have to go to work but I will be hear to pick you up later okay?

Kalina: alright. Can I have some money for lunch later?

Mom: yeah hear(giving Kalina 20$)

Kalina: okay thanks see ya later

Mom: bye hun

The voice: Kalina's mom left Kalina at her dorm to finish setting it up. When Kalina was done she was proud of how she did. (*picture is in the external link guys*)

Kalina: well.. I love it(she said to herself)

Kalina mind: better go find somewhere to eat.

The voice: Kalina walked out of her dorm room and started walking around the college area. Kalina walked about 15 minutes and found a small sandwich place to eat. Kalina walked inside and over to the line which only had two people in it. When Kalina got to the front she ordered a sandwich with cheese ham and cucumber, a water, and some sun chips. Kalina sat down and ate and then walked back to her college. By the time Kalina got back to her college her mom was already pulling into it. Kalina and her mother went home after Kalina showed her mother her college dorm room.

Kalina diary: I'm happy I finished with my dorm room, its something I wont have to deal with later. I'm also happy I don't have a roommate, after watching "The roommate" I never want one.

The voice: Kalina fell asleep thinking about college.


The next day

Kalina diary: Today I woke up and got ready. I will be going to my friend Alyssa's house. Today I wore a blue colored dress with flowers on it. My mom drove me over to her house a dropped me off. Today me and Alyssa picked up some hair dye because I'm going back to my original brown hair.

Alyssa: Dude I love it. I missed your brown hair, I'm happy you dyed it back.

Kalina: haha did you not like my blonde hair at all?

Alyssa: no no I mean yeah i liked it just not as much as your brown hair girl ha ha.

Kalina: oh alright ha ha

Alyssa: do you want to watch TV?

Kalina: sure

The voice: Kalina and Alyssa turned Alyssa's TV on, and the news happened to be on.

News speaker: Back to you Stacy

Stacy: thank you Charles. We have just heard of some breaking news. World wide boy band One Direction has gone missing.

The voice: Kalina and Alyssa looked at each other in shock.

Alyssa: WHAT!!

Kalina: what the hell!! how can they go missing?

Alyssa: I don't know dude!!

Kalina: I mean they have people with them like all the time. How is this possible?

Alyssa: I have no idea Kalina. I'm just wondering who or what took them. or where they went.

The voice: Kalina and Alyssa sat up all night talking about One direction. Kalina decided to sleep over at Alyssa's house.


Unknown person: okay boys lets put it this way. If you scream or make any sound.... then im going to have to hurt you vary very bad.

Nial: why are you doing this to us?

Unknown person: because I find it fun. and I'm only trying to protect my loved ones.

Harry: protect them for what. we are just five regular boys. we haven't done anything to anyone?

Unknown person: yes but that's the things. You have not done anything yet but one day you will. you are all just a bunch of perverted boys who need to lurn a lesson.

Zayn: we have never done anything bad. please just LET US GO!!

Unknown person: WHAT did I tell you about screaming huh?

The voice: The unknown person picks up a belt and starts hitting all of the boys hard. The unknown person then puts duck tape on their mouth's and walks out of the room where they are being hold.

Unknown person: Stupid boys (unknown person mutters to them self)


next day

Alyssa: Kalina wake up!

Kalina diary: I woke up today hearing Alyssa yelling my name. I opened my eyes and was welcomed by the sunlight from outside of Alyssa's window.

Kalina: okay...okay I'm up

Alyssa: yaay.. do you want some pancakes?

Kalina: yes please!

Alyssa: alright lets go

The voice: Kalina and Alyssa walk into the kitchen and eat pancakes. They turned on the TV and started watching sponge bob (classic). After a little while kalina and Alyssa called Kalina's mom. Kalina's mom picks Kalina up and Alyssa ends up going over to Kalina's house. In the car.

Mom: so girls I was listening to the radio this morning. did you hear about that One Direction band?

Kalina: yeah mom. its crazy!

Alyssa: yeah why would anyone do that to them?

Mom: lets just hope that they get home safe from wherever they are. I don't get how they could go missing. they always have guards and what not around them.

Kalina: yeah it doesn't make sense.

The voice: Kalina and Alyssa walked inside kalina's house.

Kalina: so what do you want to do today?

Alyssa: I don't know.. hey we should go to the mall or something

Kalina: sound's good to me. MOM!

Mom: yesss?

Kalina: can I use your car?

Mom: sure. bring it back by 7 okay?

Kalina: alright bye mom

Mom: bye girls

The voice: Kalina and Alyssa drove to the mall and walked inside. They looked in several shops. Kalina and Alyssa stopped inside forever 21.

Kalina: Alyssa what do you think of this dress?

Alyssa: its cute you should get it

Kalina: alright thanks

Kalina diary: as we were walking around forever 21 we heard voices arguing. It was two girls arguing loud.

Girl 1: shut up slut!

Girl 2: no whore you shut up

Girl 1: I cant believe you let him out we are going to be in so much trouble!!

Girl 2: its not my fault he seduced me

Girl 1: whatever we just have to make sure boss doesn't find out

Giril 2: yeah now we need to find harry before he gets to far and tells people

Kalina mind: suddenly I felt a hand pull me from behind. I turned around in the changing room the hand dragged me and Alyssa into and could not believe my eyes.

Kalina: Harry?


cliff hanger much!

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