I am so lost chapter 7

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Kalina: Harry?

kalina's mind: at this point in my life all I can say is.... I am so lost.

Harry: listen Kalina, I know this is really confusing right now but you need to listen to me before it's to late.

Kalina: before what's to late?

Harry: I don't have time to explain that right now,you just need to trust me okay?

Kalina: okay, now tell me what's going on.

Harry: me and the boys were kidnapped and we need you to help us-Kalina interrupts

Kalina: wait a second.. no. you don't know me and I don't know you. I never meet you guys that was just all a dream. yeah just a dream and I'm probably dreaming right now.

Harry: no Kalina it wasin't a dream, just let me ex-interrupted again

Alyssa: okay can someone tell me what is going on. I am standing right next to Harry styles in a changing room who insist's that my best friend know's him.(a little to loud now) like how is this happening right now?

girl 2: I think their in here

The voice: suddenly the changing room curtain flew open and the two girls stood with wide eyes.

Girl 1: hurry and do it

The voice: Girl 2 poked a needle into harry's arm.

Harry's mind: Gosh that hurt. Why don't I feel dizzy or anything. I just feel...

Girl 1: don't worry girl's it's just going to make Harry feel confused. It's one of the new thing's boss has been working on.

Kalina: where are you taking him?!?

Girl: sorry can't tell you that. now Harry lets go home.

Harry: okay? (frowning)

The voice: the two girls and harry started to walk away.

Harry: WAIT! you two girls, i was going to say something about a key but I don't remember(yelling to Kalina and Alyssa)

Kalina: a key? (she muttered to herself)

The voice: then The two girls and Harry left the shop.

Alyssa: okay. you have allot of explaining to do.

The voice: Kalina told Alyssa about everything as they drove home to Kalina's house. They walked in and sat down in the living room.

Alyssa: this is insane Kalina.

Kalina: I know.. mom said it was all just a dream, but Harry remembered me. he knew my name.

mom: You girls home (yelling from her room)

Kalina: Yeah mom!

The voice: Kalina's mom walks in.

Mom: did you have fun at the mall?

Kalina: uh. yeah. Mom can Alyssa stay the night?

Mom: sure if her parents say it's okay

Kalina: okay thanks mom

Mom: no problem. are you girls hungry? im going to order some chinese food.

Kalina: You hungry? (asking Alyssa)

Alyssa: yeah

Kalina: thanks mom

Mom: mmhm

The voice: Kalina's mom walks away and start's ordering the food on her phone.

Kalina: Harry said something about a key.

Alyssa: yeah he said he forgot what he was going to say.

Kalina: hmm I really need to figure this whole thing it.

The voice: Kalina and Alyssa sat in her room all night watching movies and talking untill they both fell asleep.


The next day

Kalina diary: today i woke up with Alyssa sleeping next to me. I feel happy this morning for no reason, I just feel happy. I sat up and yawned while stretching my arms and legs. I have this feeling that I'm forgetting something. I'm not sure what but I just feel like I'm missing something. I shook the feelings away and decided to wake up my best friend.

Kalina: Alyssa

Alyssa: hmm?(half awake)

Kalina: it's morning, time to get up!

Alyssa: urge I just want to sleep

Kalina: ha ha come on get up or I will have to jump on you!

Alyssa: no(covering herself with the blanket)

Kalina: okay I warned you

The voice: Kalina stood up on the bed and started to jump around Alyssa.

Alyssa: okay okay I'm up (giggling)

Kalina: finally women. What shall we do today?

Alyssa: I don't know(she said yawning)

Kalina: well I think we should go to the zoo.

Alyssa: The zoo?

Kalina: yeah we haven't been to the zoo in forever!

Alyssa: okay then, the zoo it is.

The voice: Kalina's mom drove Kalina and Alyssa to the zoo.


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