Lina chapter 9

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Kalina's perspective




I gasped as the loud voiced called my name, and looked over at Alyssa who was sleeping like a new born baby. Who was calling my name? maybe I'm going crazy..

"KALINA!!" the voice yelled once again coming from Alyssa's window making me jump.

I got up from the bed and ran to the window. moving to the side I slowly drew the curtain that covered Alyssa's room from the outside world to see... no one.

OK.. that's it. I'm officially crazy.

"What are you doing Kalina?" Alyssa's sleepy voice broke my psycho thought's.

"I....nothing. I was just.. you no looking outside. it's a great view.."

"Kalina. what the hell? it's..."

Alyssa unlock's her phone while squinting her eyes.

"6:15 in the morning." she continues while looking at me like I'm some sort of freak.

"Right.." I say. "Well I'm going back to bed now. goodnight" I saw laying back into alyssa's bed. "well actually good morning. you know cause it's not really night time anymore ha ha."

Alyssa looks at me with an annoyed expressions.

"Well yeah. goodnight" I say in a fast manner while turning the opposite side facing away from her.

I wonder if Alyssa will visit me when i get transferred to a mental hospital... okay kalina stop thinking like that. You are not crazy your just... tired. just go back to sleep. I thought to my self as I close my eyes.


You know that feeling you sometimes get in the morning. The one when you wake up and you feel refreshed and happy and just ready to start the day? Well..... that was NOT how I felt when I woke up today..

My head is killing me. It feels like I have 50 pound weights just crushing my skull.. My eyes feel like they are on fire, and as I try to get up I feel a sudden rush of dizziness and close my eyes.

" Kalina you okay?" Alyssa's voice suddenly appears in a echo kind of way.

"y...yeah I'm fine" I say not even convincing myself.

"are you sure you look horrible" Well thanks I thought. "How much sleep did you get last night?" She ask's me

"I got a lot I think. I feel kind of weird but I should be fine." suddenly my tummy gives me a message, telling me she is ready to eat." I'm starving. What time is it?" I ask Alyssa still with my eyes closed

"it's twelve." she reply's

"gosh I slept that long? Why did you not wake me up? can we go get some lunch?" I ask Alyssa

"Uhmm Kalina.. it's twelve at night" Alyssa says.

Alyssa's answer suddenly makes my eyes burst open to look at her... and when I do... I see something that just did not make sense.... When I opened my eyes I did not see Alyssa. I saw a short young and red haired lady, wearing a white suite, with a clip board in between her arms, and dark red lipstick, with pale skin.

"so Lina are you going to answer my question" The lady ask's

"What question?" I say back "Why did you call me Lina? My name is Kalina..." I say raising my voice a little

"A week ago you told me to just call you Lina" The lady says "You do remember don't you?"

"who even are you.... I..... Where am I?" I ask confused out of my mind.

" you are in Niont hospital Lina, It's me Maggie your nurse. you do remember now right?" Maggie ask's smiling........

"Yes..... Yes I do" I say back to the red haired women

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