Ch. 16 "Lying"

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                                                              Jayden POV 

I was sitting on the couch reading, Romeo and Juliet, reading is how I get lost, how all the troubles that seem to haunt me, seem to vanish at the time, 

"Hey, Ric," Damon said 

"What's up?" Ric said 

"What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?" Elena asked 

"Ah, those founders parties aren't really my thing," Ric said 

"Show up, there's going to be nine other people that brought Chili" Damon said 

I stood up, I really don't want to listen to Elena and Damon flirt, I walked past Ric smiling at him sadly and walked upstairs, 

I closed my door, sitting on my bed, 

                                              Damon POV 

We watched as Jayden stood up and walked up stairs slamming the door, 

"Still hasn't said a word huh?" Ric asked 

"Nope not one," I said 

"She won't even look at me," Elena said sadly, 

"She'll come around sooner or later," Ric said 

We all nodded, 

                         Jayden POV 

I was  laying on the bed reading when I heard a knock, Elena entered, 

"Were going to the Lockwood party, do you want to come?" She asked gently 

I just rolled over with my back facing her, I just can't look at her, I know she's lying to me, and I just can't look at her especially if she's lying to me, 

"Alright, we'll be home later," She said closing the door softly 

I let out a exhausted sigh, 

After reading my book for a while I walked out of the room, it was dark so I decided I needed answers, 

I was standing on Damon's porch will he really tell me the truth? I mean he is on Elena's side, of whatever the hell is going on around here, I've asked Ric and he just told me the same thing, Elena told me but something in my stomach doesn't set well about this entire thing, 

I sighed I opened the door, and walked in the main living room, Damon was leaning against the fireplace drinking, he looked troubled 

"Look Ric how many times must I say sorry," He said turning around to see me 

He looked a little surprised that I was here, 

"BlueJay... what are you doing here?" He asked 

"Damon I.." I said my voice cracked from not speaking for so long, 

"Never mind this was a mistake," I said turning around to leave, 

Next thing I know he was grabbing my wrist lightly 

How the hell did he get there so fast, 

"No, it's alright talk to me," Damon said 

I slowly turned around looking at him, His eyes looked worried, 

"Damon, did they really die the way Elena said they did, because I just can't help but feel something about it is very shady and vague," I said 

He tucked a piece of my dark hair behind my ear, 

"Of course it did, maybe because it just happened so suddenly and it's understandable," He said 

I felt like everyone was lying to me, I felt tears well up in my eyes, Damon brought my head into his lower chest, petting my head, 

He thought I was crying because I was sad about my aunt and uncle, 

No I was crying because everyone I love is lying to me, I thought 

But I did know one thing I am going to find out the truth, 

                                   Third Person POV 

Stefan wakes up, in the back of a truck filled with the coffins, Klaus is looking at him, 

"Just give me a chance to explain myself okay?" Stefan said 

"No need I'm not mad, I'm just curious Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something, A piece of your old life the thing is she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural, so I thought I would check it out, see for myself what it is you've been hiding," Klaus said 

He opens the back of the truck they're in Mystic Falls, 

"Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan," Klaus said smirking 

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