Ch. 32 "Come back"

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                                                       Jayden POV 


Jayden sat on her bed as tears rolled down her cheeks, her mom sitting next to her, 

"Sweetheart it's alright I had trouble in school when I was your age too," She said 

"But I'm so different I'm not outgoing like Elena and I'm sociable like Jeremy,"Jayden said 

"Sweetheart you don't have to be like your sister or brother, just be you, your bubbly happy self don't try so hard to be someone your not," Her mother said 

"And don't worry just because you didn't make any friends today doesn't mean you won't tomorrow, just be yourself and don't worry they will love you for who you are," Her mom said 

Jayden nodded wiping away her tears, 

"That's my girl," She said kissing the top of her forehead, 

Her Dad walked in 

"come on Elena said she needs us to pick her up" Her Dad said 

"Come on sweetheart," her Mom said and they walked out of the room, 

                                      End Memory 

My eyelids slowly flutter open, I am laying on something hard, I slowly sit up and I look around I'm not sure where I am, My hands are tied,

"Good morning sunshine," Ric

"Where am I?" I said slowly standing up, 

"Were at the final show down to kill Klaus and his siblings if I fail well you know what you are," Ric said 

"Why are you doing this?" I said tears welling up in my eyes, 

"Because it needs to be done, look at everything that has happened because of Vampires, look at everyone you lost, I tried I really tried to protect you from all of this, but your sister leaving you all vulnerable just for the taking for them, then you become best buddies with Klaus and his family!" Ric said 

"Aside from you they were the only one's who gave a damn about me!" I said 

"Exactly! you just welcome everyone with open arms not knowing what or who they are, you are so innocent and pure Jay, and I'm sorry about all of this but this has to be done," Ric said 

The tears started rolling down my cheeks, 

Alaric strangles him from behind. He groans) 

" Where is Klaus? " Ric asked 

"Ric Stop!" I yelled 

Damon looked at me shocked seeing that my hands were bound in front of me, 

" How did you find me? Let Jayden go," Damon said sounding pissed

"Well, you'd be amazed at how competent law enforcement is when it's not corrupted by vampires. Now, where is Klaus? and She stays with me she's my plan B" Ric said 

"Storage locker. There's only about a thousand of 'em. Have at it " Damon said 

(Alaric breaks his neck and then throws him on the floor. He's unconscious)

Vampire Diaries Little GirlbertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang