Ch. 27 "Surprise"

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Jayden POV

I was currently in a store trying on clothing since Beka insisted on it,

"I don't know Beka this really isn't me," I said sadly from inside of the stall

"I don't know Beka this really isn't me," I said sadly from inside of the stall

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"Oh hush now and let me see," She said clearly too cheerful,

"Yeah, we can't have the baby Gilbert looking tacky," Katherine said

Yeah, that's right the one and Only Katherine Petrova a while back when I was with Nik I thought she was Elena but she introduced herself as Katherine and I stopped Nik from killing her, ever since we've grown rather close,

"I say we go out," Beka said

"I don't know..." I said from the stall putting on the last of the clothing,

"What I really can't believe or tolerate is that your own sister forgot your birthday too self centered to remember I guess," Kat said

"Maybe she was busy.." I said

"Too busy to so much as say happy birthday or leave a card I don't think so little owl," Beka said

"Yes, even I would be able to remember, and I'm a lot worse," Kat said

"For good reason," I said walking out,

"That doesn't excuse her actions," Bekah said crossing her arms,

"She's still my sister," I said sadly

"Which makes it all the more reason to me wanting to rip her heart out kitten," Kat said

"But you won't," I said smiling sadly at her,

"Only because it would wind up hurting you," She said

"You look beautiful little owl," Bekah said

"Really because I feel weird," I said looking at myself,

"Ah think noting of it Kitten," Kat said putting her arm around my shoulders,

With that they led me out of the store,

By the time we got back to Mystic Falls it was dark, Bekah pulled the car into the driveway of Nik's Mansion,

All the lights were off,

"Why don't you just stay over night tonight I hardly doubt they will miss you since they can't remember your birthday," Bekah said

"Hey Rebekah trying working on sensitivity," Kat said

"Oh like you can talk," Bekah said

They glared at each other,

"Um please don't fight," I said

Both of them relaxed we walked into the mansion,

"Where is everyone?" I asked

all of a sudden the lights flicked on,

"SURPRISE!" All the Mikalson's jumped out of no where,

There were balloons everywhere and a Banner that said Happy Birthday in giant letters,

I gasped in surprise,

"Wow!" I said smiling ear to ear,

Kol had a dorky party hat on his head sideways with a noise maker in his mouth, Nik had one of the noise makers that you spin around in his hand

Elijah had a cake in his hands smiling gently at me,

To say this shocked me was and understatement

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