Harry P.O.V

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Since my relatives just left, I have all the time and the house to myself.Such things don't happen often.They never leave for a full day alone in the house.Even if they did it would be for few hours.But today is a lucky day for me.And I am sure that I am going to get a lot of information and hopefully answer to all my questions.
I walk towards the lawn and sat down just besides the pink lilies.I called of Noir and after sometime he came out of the other side of the lawn and curl himself in my lap.
Me:Noir did you find something to eat??
Noir:I did but I am still hungry Master.
Me: hmm
How about we go inside and search to get something for you to eat??
Noir:I can come inside with master .
Me: obviously now come on .
With that he wrapped himself around my hand and we started walking back into the house.
After entering in the kitchen,I started rummaging through stuff to find something for him to eat.I didn't find anything so I thought of Something else.
Me: Hey Noir.I am sorry that I can't find something for you .But I have an idea.
Noir: It's okay Master Harry.You shouldn't apologize when you didn't did anything wrong.
Me: Thanks for understanding me.How about we go to a nearby park??
You can find something to eat easily over there??
Noir: We should go there master.Take me there master.Hurrry......
I laughed at his reaction .His mood had taken a 180 degree turn.We left the house , although it's a risk but I can't let Noir be starving himself.
We reached a nearby park and there are no people.obviously it's Tuesday means adults are at their job while kids are at school.I would have gone to school too if I didn't have to watch over the house.Noir unwrapped himself from me and got down and started searching .I just sat at a swing and thought about myself.I still haven't any answer but once Noir is finished we will discuss .I was still thinking when I heard a scream.I turned my head and Noir was the one screaming since a group of kid had surrounded him and are poking him with sticks.I Ran towards them.
Me: Stop it Right this instant.
Guy 1:or what ??
Guy 2: He will call his parents.
He said mockingly.They are still poking him and something a fire flared in me.I took heavy towards them.And touch there hands .first they didn't understand what it is but soon they screamed and there friends attention turned to us.Maybe they are the leaders because as this happened others ran away thinking that if I can make them scream ,what will I do with them and they both also ran away while cursing a lot of things ,some of which I hear daily.I picked Noir up and he snuggled close to me.
Me(smiling): So you like to snuggle ha??
Where is my respect now??( In a firm tone)
Noir : I am sorry master.I didn't mean too.You are so warm master and my  species like warm places.
He was going to go down when I stopped him and snuggled him again in me.
Me: I was joking Noir.You can snuggle if you want.I like it.You are the first friend of mine or close to a family.
Noir: Thanks for giving me that place in your life master.I promise as I will become big and strong, I will protect you and won't allow anyone to harm you.
Me:Yeah sure little one.
When he will be big ??
He will be around 3 feet or so.I just remembered what he said??
Me: Noir what do you mean by saying I am warm??
Noir: You are very warm Master.As if I am near a fire place.Your warmth is calming me and it seems I wanted to sleep.
Me: sleep Noir.I will be there to protect you .
I started making my way to the Dursleys house and Noir was out like a light.When I entered in the house,I put noir in my bed in the cupboard so he remain warm and started doing the chores since I haven't done them earlier.
It was afternoon now and Noir was up as he was making his way towards me.
Me: How did you sleep Noir??
Noir: It was good master.
I finished the last bit of my work.
And after that I sat at one of the chair.
Me: Noir when you said that I am warm..
Noir: what about it master??
Me: Do still feel warm to you??
He snuggled into me for a bit then backed away.
Noir: You are still warm but it's not like it was earlier.
Me: Noir I want to tell you something.
Noir: Okay Master.
Me: Some days ago I was making breakfast.
Noir: why were you making breakfast master??
It's not master work to do.
Me: Noir .
I said in a firm tone so he would stop.
Me: We will discuss that later.
So when I was making breakfast my relatives were talking about my parents and soon they started insulting them and suddenly..
He didn't let me finish.
Noir: Who are they??
Where are they now master??
I will kill all of them.How dare they say such thing about my Master's parents.
Me: If you would let me finish then I can give you answers.
Noir: Okay Master.
Me: So as they were insulting my parents suddenly something flared in me like fire and the whole spatula was on fire but it didn't affected me one bit.What do you think might be the reason for this??
Noir: Ummm you said it was like a fire right master.
Noir: There could be two reasons beside this but first I need to ask something master.
Me: Go on.
Noir: You said that the fire flared in you so the fire you were holding was it from within you or it was from some outside source??
Me: It was from me .I felt it.
Noir: Then it left us with only one option master.
Me: Tell me about both of the options.
Noir: I had thought that either you could have been a fire elemental or it is related to your creature inheritance.
Me: what are these things??
Noir: Elementals have the power to control nature's element.
Their are five elements :
Air elemental can control air ,fire elemental will control fire and so on.
But since you said that the fire was within you and not some source it means you didn't control the source of the fire and then control it but you emitted it from you this means you are not a fire elemental.Then it means only one thing it's because of your creature inheritance Master.
Some wizards have creature inheritance in them . It's not a common thing but it's not rare either.
When a wizard/witch comes of age and if in their family creature inheritance had occurred the person will go into their creature inheritance . When it had happened then along with the magic all wizards have they will have a creature in them and it's powers.The creature features merge into yours.for example if your creature is a bird than you will have the wings. Sometimes a person has more than one creature  in them. People with creature inheritance are more powerful than common wizards .But the ministry doesn't allow of this.The present Minister and a lot of people in ministry are wizards without any inheritance so they fear that their position will be in danger and that's why they have enacted a law about it.Only the really famous ,rich and powerful pureblood families are accepted with their creature inheritance.But even they aren't allowed to show it to normal public.They have to keep it hidden .
And the ones who have a creature inheritance but belongs to average or low class wizard family they are either send to Azkaban or they are given a "liberarsi di" potion.It means to get rid of the creature . And it work well on them since they aren't that powerful neither their other family members were.But potion doesn't work on the  powerful wizards with creature inheritance.
Me: Okay.I have questions ??
So answer them.
What is the age when one comes into creature inheritance??
Noir: It is 16 in 99% cases.But people can come into early inheritance if they have a danger in their life or have faced death like situation and sometimes reasons are unknown.
Me: So did I have my creature inheritance earlier than other??
Noir: No Master.You just have awakened your creature's some power.And if I say correctly it is not even 3/4 of your full power .You just awakened it but it will become complete when you turn 16.
Me: what kind of creature I will have??
Noir: I don't know master.only time will tell.
Me: what is ministry??
Is it like government??
Noir: what is government master??
Me: Government is an institution through which leaders exercise powers to make and enforce laws.Government basically provide leadership, maintaining order,  public services, protecting the citizens nationally and economically.They do so by making policies,interact with other countries or state to make to good relations, settling different laws and much more.
Noir: Yes master ministry is just like government.But things are just different because of our magic.
Me: what is Azkaban??
Noir: It's a place where bad wizards are send or those who broke the laws sat by ministry.
Me:ohh it's a jail then.
Noir: What master??
Me: Nothing Noir.
I have some more questions so I asked ??
Me: What is a pureblood??
Noir: Pureblood are the wizards in whose family and ancestry people have magic in them and they weren't half blood or mudblood .But even if you are a half blood you have respect as the Pureblood have master.Because your father was a pureblood and his family ancestry was as long and strong as the other pureblood families .Do want to know more master??
Me: I do.
It's like we are in a circle.He start to explain something and end it and I start to question from the explanation.He explain again and I question again.
Me: What about my mother??
What was she??
Am I a half blood because of my mother??
Is it a bad thing??
And what is a mudblood noir??
Noir: Your mother was a muggle born master.It means her parents didn't have magic in them but in their ancestry somebody has it.Yes you are half blood because of your mother master.But that's not a bad thing.Just some Pure bloods considered themselves above from others .And half bloods are better than mud bloods master.And you are even above of those pureblood since you are so powerful.
Me: I am powerful?? How??
I can't even protect myself from Dudley and his friends from bullying me.How am I powerful than ??
Noir: I will kill them for you master.And you are powerful .Even without a wand you protected me from those muggles.You just need to train .
Me: A wand??
Noir: It's used to cast spell and used by every wizard unless you know wandless magic.
Me: Where can I get a wand??
Noir: You will get it when you will turn 11 master.For now I can help you .
Me: you will??
Noir: I will master.
About this why don't you try and create the fire as you have mentioned before??
Me: How do I do it??
Noir: Think and focus of creating it.
I spent half hour and was about to give up when Noir encouraged me again.
I thought about the things the Dursleys said about my parents and it worked.Soon my hand was holding a ball of fire and my body was warm.
Noir: You did it master.
Me: I did.
Then I got a idea .I reached towards noir and put him in the ball of fire in my hand .And as I thought he snuggled into it more hissing pleasantly.
Noir: How did you did it master??
Me: I just thought that how you would feel warm in that ball and put you there and sure enough it happened.
Noir: Master you just control it without any training.You will be great wizard master.
Me: Do I need training to do it.?
Noir: Yes master.For creating and controlling it you need training.Otherwise it will hurt everyone who comes in contact of this fire but that doesn't happen with me because you controlled it.
We practiced some more and then had dinner and went to sleep.
Around 11 the Dursleys came and they departed to their rooms as soon as they came.
I am feeling different today.I have a feeling that from now on my life would be really different.

That's all.
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