First encounter with Voldemort

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It was night time now.All our house members have retired to their rooms.We got ready and I put a memory charm on Hermione and Ron so that they don't remember the invisibility cloak in which we were going to go out.When we reached the common room.Neville was there .
Neville: You are going out again.
Me: yeah we need too.
Neville: No .we will loose house points because of this.We have already lost a lot.
Hermione: I am sorry Neville.
I didn't understand what she meant by that untill she froze him with
"Petrificus Totalis" .We left and soon reached the third floor and we heard faint soft sound from the room in which fluffy is present.
When we reached there he was sleeping peacefully and we know why??
The music calmed him and he entered a deep slumber.This is what Hagrid told us today.
Ron: The instrument is already playing music.
Hermione: It means we are late and Snape have arrived earlier than us.
We all moved fluffy paws from the entrance of the other room.
Ron: Guys isn't everything so quiet suddenly.
Hermione: Because the instrument has stopped.
We all looked upwards with horrified expression .We schreamed and jump in the entrance without much thinking.We Soon found out that we are in the middle of the devil snare.
Soon it started to surround us and binding our arms and legs to choke us Ultimately.
Hermione: It's devil snare.Don't move much and they will release you.
Ron :Ohh really I don't move much.Thats so easy . Isn't it??
Hermione sat still and soon she was released and she was gone .We schreamed her name and she told us that she is safe and is present on the ground of the hallway above which me and Ron was still binded.I listened to Hermione and calm down and my movements stilled after a minute I was released as well and found Hermione there.However Ron keep on schreaming and thrashing around even his voices became muffled which means his mouth is being binded by the veins.
Hermione: He won't sit still.
Me: Right.
She thought for a moment for something and then casted the lumos solemn spell.
Since devil snare doesn't like light so it released Ron immediately.He fall on the ground with a thump and then he stand up.
We move forward and soon we were in a room where in the middle is a broom and some small unique words are flying in the room.
We reached towards the broom and find out a riddle and after solving it.We find out that all we have to do is ride on the broom and grab one of the key which surprisingly is the unique flying birds.We thought which could be the right one.And for the first time tonight Ron said something right.He pointed his finger on one of the key with only one wing.Since I am good at flying also a seeker.I decided to do the task of catching the key.Its just like quidditch,The difference is that instead of snitch ,I have to catch a key .I flown in the air and soon got the key.I throwed it towards Hermione so that she unlocks the door and I kept the other keys busy that are attacking me.I have small cuts at my hands.
Hermione opened the door and with the speed of light I entered in the room.We just shut the gate and after that a no.of keys were stuck in the gate.Since they were trying to reach me.It felt as if a thousand darts are thrown at the door at the same time.
Now that I think about it.All the previous things we passed were the barriers to keep the stone away from the reach.I mean Hagrid said that Snape was one of the professors protecting the stone.
The first hurdle was "Mirror of Erised" .Well we didn't passed by us as I already know what it did and that's why we arrived directly in the room where fluffy is present.I think that hurdle was put by Dumbdumb himself because he seems to know about it and that too in deep knowledge .And it seems he have a experience of his own with that Mirror.
The second one was fluffy.I mean he was cute when calm but he bite your head off without thinking much.And obviously Hagrid is the one who put him there.Hagrid seems to like unique animals and raising them.If I got any unique creature than I would surely give it to Hagrid without thinking because I know he will take good care of them.
The third one was the devil snare that seems to have been put by Professor Sprout.
The fourth one that is the riddle .I guess it was by Snape himself.He likes such complicated things.
The broom must be put there by madam hooch.
And the keys must be done by Professor Flitwick.He even made them attack the thief.
And now as we have reached in the middle of many weird statues .Well after observing the place it seems to be chess .It's a chess game but we have to be a part of this and from my knowledge Professor McGonagall had set it up.Its good that me and Ron are good at this game.This is the only game Ron taught me.
We got ourselves positioned and Ron take the lead.After many moves ,we still are going to loose.So Ron thought of a way.When he will move his horse than I would get a chance to make them loose but because of the horse move they will get a move too and will destroy the horse and We both know that he will be injured but he is willing.And I think this is true .He is a true friend of mine.Who didn't step back at such a time but is willing to help me even if he got injured.The reluctance I saw while we fought with the troll it isn't present today.I think with time he have become the real brave Gryffindor and my good friend.He will be close to me ,I just know that.He did the move and he fall down when the horse got destroyed and I choose my move and we won.I run towards Ron.He may be have a hand fracture.
Me: Hermione you take Ron to madam pompfrey and also inform the teachers about this.
Hermione: But Harry it's dangerous.You shouldn't go alone.We can all go to the teachers together.
Me: No Hermione ,it will be really late and Snape will got the stone.
Hermione: But you are going alone.Its really dangerous Harry.
Me: Don't worry.I am not alone.
Besides this is my fight.Not Ron's or yours .I have to fight for myself.
Just go.
Hermione: what do you mean you are not alone??
Me: I mean....I mean that I have your faith and friendship . Don't worry everything will be alright just go.
She left with Ron.And Obviously I wasn't alone.Noir would never let me come alone at such a place.
Me: Noir Are you ready??
He came from behind the dark and curled up around my wrist.
Noir: I am.
Me: Do you think he will be there??
Noir: I don't know.
Are you worried??
Me: I am .But I will fight him untill I can.And you will be with me.So I am not that nervous.
Noir: I will always protect you.Don't worry.
Me: That's what I am worried about.
I lost my parents because they chose to save me.I don't want to loose you.
Noir: You won't.Let's go.
We went inside a hallway and soon comes stairs .I started going down when I saw professor Quirrel there in front of The "Mirror of Erised".what is the mirror doing here ??
And where is Snape??
And why is my scar stinging as it did in the starting of the year??
Me: You .
No it can't be Snape was the one ....
Quirrel: yeah .Does seem the type doesn't he??
And next to him who would suspect poor stuttering professor Quirrel.
Me: But that day.During the quidditch match Snape tried to kill me.
Quirrel: Oh no.That was me.I tried to kill you.And trust me If Snape cloak hasn't caught fire and broken my eye contact.I would have succeeded even with snape muttering his little countering curse
Me: Snape was trying to save me.
Quirrel: I knew you would be danger for me from the start especially after Halloween.
Me: Then you let the troll in.
Quirrel: Very good Potter.Yes.
Snape unfortunately wasn't fooled while everyone was running about the dungeon he went to the third floor and head me off.He of course never trusted me again.He barely left me alone but he doesn't understand that I am never alone.
Now what does this mirror do??
I see what I desire.I see myself holding the stone but how do I get it.
Quirrel was telling me the whole thing and Noir has uncurled himself.He searched if there is any other person over here but found none.Then suddenly someone said
"Use the boy".
I don't know who this is??There is no one here other than us or is it??
Is it Voldemort??
Quirrel:Come here Potter now.
I made my way towards the mirror and stood in front of it just few inches away.
Quirrel: Tell me .What do you see.
I see myself smiling holding the stone and then I kept it in my pants pockets.
Quirrel: what do you see??
Me: I see myself shaking hands with dumbeldore,I won the house cup.
Then again someone said
"He lies".
Quirrel: Tell the truth Potter.
Other person:let me talk to the boy.
Quirrel: But you are still weak my Lord.
Other person:I am strong enough for the boy.
Quirrel started unwrapping his turban,I was stepping behind and Noir came beside me.When Quirrel was done he turned around and there at the back of his head is Voldemort.
Voldemort: Harry Potter.
We meet again.
Me: Voldemort.
Voldemort:yess. You see what I have become to survive.Living on other as a parasite.
Unicorn blood can help me sustain but It can't give me the body but there is something that can.
Me: The stone
Voldemort: yeah and that lies in your pocket.
I turn and thought of running away.
Voldemort: Stop him.
Quirrel snapped his fingers and the whole room has fire .I can't go out since the fire is at the entrance as well.
However now I think about it.I have a good time to talk to him.To find out what I can .
I turn around and started to see what memories I can see.He was persuading me to give the stone and seeing my thoughtful expression he must have thought that maybe I will agree.He used my parents name.But I know that they are gone and I can't bring them back and if I do then it's wrong since they don't belong here anymore.I searched and searched and my magic was draining out and finally after passing many memories of Quirrel ,I came across Voldemort memory.I didn't get any other than that since he sensed it and his occulumecy powers are greater than mine.
Voldemort: Well Harry Potter ...
How did you do it??
Me: How about you let me see your memories and I give the stone to you??
Voldemort : Why do you think I would listen to you??
Me: Cause you wanted to live again.And maybe find your mate too.....
Voldemort got confused.It seems his memory is tempered and the one I just saw was preserved and he didn't remember it.Since Voldemort doesn't understand what I said he attacked me.But Noir was there to fought with him.Noir was circling himself around Voldemort ,and Quirrel was mumbling incomplete and uncoherent spells.I used this time and again dwelled into his memories and after searching when I finally reach there I used a spell and freed that part .Now he will remember it.But since things are chaotic he won't notice them now.Voldemort used some spell and thrown Noir away from him.And he came towards me before I could use my magic he touched me.And as soon as he touched me he started falling as sand towards the ground.
This time I touched him but not before saying
"Dwell on your memories you will find the source of living again" and he was vanished.
I turned and saw Noir was already coming towards me but then I heard someone.It means the teachers are coming .
Me: Noir take this with you and hide it somewhere safe. And take care of you.
He took the stone and reluctantly left.I laid down on the ground as to show if I have fainted.However I soon found my eyes heavy.I haven't slept all night and this first meeting does wore me out.The time the teachers came by someone picked me ,I was out like a light.

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