Harry P.O.V

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Three months later.......
I got up early today.Its still 5 and breakfast isn't before 9 and at 10- I will play my first quidditch game.Its three months now since I am here in Hogwarts.And a lot of things have happened.Well first I am a seeker now for my house.And it hadn't happened in last 100 years that a first year student has become a seeker.My dad was a seeker too but how would I know??I know nothing about my parents and it made me sad.Even though  I have Noir and some  good friends but I don't have my parents and I am never going to get them.lets forget about this for now.
So I found some places in Hogwarts about which no one knows at least this is what I think since I have up untill now haven't witnessed anyone there.I have casted spell on all these places so I am awared if someone found them.I have already read all books we have for history of magic but not one of them has what I have been looking for.I want to know about Dumbledore's past . Because if I know more about him I will surely understand why he is using me.Actually I tried to scan his memories and I found out that he is the one who had manipulated Tom.I mean that is Voldemort name.But I can't get into more memories without his finding out and his occulumecy is really great.After seeing this I have started practice to improve my occulumecy as well but I knew that I can't achieve what he had.It took me One month and that too with my magic draining out of me to just find one particular moment of dumbeldore and Tom interaction.
It was a normal incident but if you put thought into it you would understood how Tom got manipulated by dumbdumb.I also needed to know about Tom's family history to answer my questions.I have sent Noir to Diagon alley to search for any information.Besides for finding true nature of both dumbeldore and Voldemort,I needed to read books on only about their biographies but I have to read different books related to them because only then I will be able to notice the minute details I needed.
For now both of them are my enemy.So I am on nobody side.But I would definitely gave a chance to both of them .I have to think of some way otherwise dumbdumb or any other experienced person will see through me very easily and it's not good.I had noticed that the food I got is charmed most of the times and I know who does that.I eat all the food without hesitation and when night came by Noir cleanses them off from my body through our bond.
In all these months Ron has became more clingy to me.Most of the time he would be around me except when I am in the library with Hermione.I read books but only those from which I needed some sort of answer to my questions.But Hermione is Hermione she reads everything.This one time I was reading a book on herbology ,Nev give it to me since it's not from our year.Its a third year book which one of the senior from Ravenclaw has given to Nev seeing his interest in a particular plant because its information wasn't in the first or second year book.He shared it with me.We weren't even halfway when Hermione noticed it and urged us to let her read too.We did and what a big mistake it was??
When we were finished we thought of returning it to whom it belongs but Hermione wanted to read all of it.Nev worried I wasn't so I gave her time up to dinner and I knew she would be done with it up to that time.I convinced Nev somehow and even before dinner she had completed it.She is really a bookworm I don't know how she ended up in Gryffindor but I myself belong to Slytherin so what can I say.
So today I will be playing my first quidditch match.I am really excited but nervous and scared as well.
I learned a lot  about the game from Oliver since Professor McGonagall introduced us months ago.I practice my flying since I need to be good but Oliver said that I will be able to do it because I am already good at it.Fred and George said something about people missing and returning after a month of 3-4 while playing quidditch and that is why I am scared.However Ron said that they were just joking.
We had 12 double potion classes with Slytherin and  Snape and let's say every single time snape takes more point from our house and gave humiliating remarks to not only Gryffindors but to me also.I am glad that we only had potions once per week.I  can see hatred as clear as water in Snape eyes for me that's why I want find out somehow of his past related to my parents because I am sure his reaction is definitely because of my parents.I mean I never met him so this is the possible explaination.
   Me , Hermione and Ron has also gone to the forbidden third floor.It wasn't intentional .We were heading to our common room when suddenly the stairs changed the path .We ended up at the third floor and entered the room without much thinking.Whe we found out that we should leave from nowhere Mrs.Norris arrived.And if she is somewhere that means Filch is nearby so we his behind a door.We already lost a lot of points we don't want more to go.After sometime Filch left.Hermione and Ron wasn't still moving and were watching something behind us so I turned as well and I stopped as well.
There was a three headed dog in front of us and while Ron was rambling the dog somehow got up from his deep slumber and when he found us he growled and was ready to pounce if Hermione hasn't pulled us out if that room.After that room we had a lot of confusion on why would they keep such a dog like this.After a lot of thinking ,it clicked in my mind from the memory of my shadow that when we just arrived at Gringnotts ,hegrid had taken something from the vault no.712 on the orders of dumbdumb while the very next day the same vault had undergone a theft but the vault had nothing other than what Hagrid got it means that the people are after that thing which is in Hogwarts now and it seems the three headed dog whose name is fluffy ,well that's  what slipped from hegrid  mouth while talking to us .Fluffy is protecting that thing.
While I was in my thoughts I didn't notice it's already 8.I got up and did my morning routine.When I got out of bathroom,Neville and Dean was up.Ron is a heavysleeper.I would have been Like him but I always get up at 6 from the days I can remember.I lazily got ready and thought about last night.
I was in the hall dining with Ron and other friend of ours and Hermione wasn't there.It was Halloween and the first time I enjoyed it.Earlier today Ron said something about Hermione .He said that while we were letting the levitation charm"Wringardium leviosa" and he pronounced it wrong so how arrogantly she corrected him.He was making fun of her and none of us noticed her behind us.
When I asked Ron that where Hermione is ?? He just shrugged and shoved more food into his mouth.I was worried though .She has become a good companion and since she is from muggle world just like me it makes me comfortable that I am not the only one from there.Also she is very knowledgeable person and helps me when I needed.I asked Nev and Dean if they know anything.And Nev answered it.
Nev: Parvati told me that she was in the old girls bathroom .She was crying there whole day.
I gave Ron a hard and Stern look and he seems guilty but his guilt isn't helping here.Just I was about to go out to meet her.The gate of the hall opened and in came a horrified looking professor Quirrel.
Quirrel: There is a troll .I thought I should tell you ....
And he fainted.Soon the whole school was in chaos . Students we're frantically running without any direction in mind.Teachers were schreaming at them to stop.Then dumbdumb made all of them to stop just with the firm and Stern tone .
Dumbeldore:All students will quietly go to their dorms with their prefects.
And all professors come with me.
We all started to make our way out of  the hall as did the other houses when I remembered .
Me:Ron .
Hermione doesn't know about this..
Ron: What should we do???
Me: Let's Go.
He was hesitant and I know he doesn't want to go but I just dragged him with me because it's his fault and he needs to take the responsibility.
We soon reach the hallway that leads to the bathroom and just when we were about to enter the troll entered there .We hid and soon enough Hermione came out of the stalls.She washed her face and the troll heard the sound and turned towards her.Me and Ron shouted and Hermione ducked down just on time before the troll wooden blocks hurt her.He broke all the sinks and cornered her but I shouted again and his attention transferred towards me.Before I used me wand he pulled me in midair by my robes.I would have used my wandless magic but Hermione and Ron both are watching me and I can't let them know about it .I still haven't reached that state where I can trust them both to tell such things about me.I asked Ron to use some spell and thankfully Hermione was there.He used the levitation charm and pulled the wooden block out of the troll hand and hit the head of the troll with it.
I jumped from his hold which have become loose now  just on time otherwise I would have been crushed by him.We would have celebrated if not the professors have arrived there.Well we lost house points but got the exact no. back so the score is neutral .We were sent back towards our dorm but in this whole chaos I noticed it.Snape has a deep ,long gash running on his right leg which he hide from others by his robes but I noticed them on time.
Flashback ends.
Now that I think about it, Is Snape the one that let the troll out of dungeon??
But why would he??
Does he need the thing hidden there??
Why would he?? First I need to know about the thing ??
ry...rry...arry...Harry..Harry ...
Me: huh!
I didn't notice that I am sitting with Ron and Hermione at the table for breakfast.I was really engrossed in my thoughts.
Hermione: You were zoning out.
Me: I am sorry .What did you say??
Ron: I say you should eat something.
Me: I don't want to.
Hermione: Ron is right Harry.You should something .You need energy to play in the game.
Me: I am not feeling well .
Somebody cleared their throat and all us of look behind to see the person.
Snape : I suggest you Best luck Mr.Potter.However now you have defeated a troll so this game should be easy for you even if it is with Slytherin.
I watched him and then let my cast down on his leg.Snape left after that.However he was slightly limping.
Me: I think last night Snape let the troll out of the dungeon.
Hermione: Why would you think that??
Me: He is limping.And yesterday I had seen a long gash on his leg .He must've let the troll out so that everyone attention turned to him and nobody notices him going to the third floor but as he reached there Fluffy must've bite him.
Hermione: Do you know what that thing is??
Me: No I don't .
Hermione: well there is a way of finding out.
Me: How??
Hermione: Hagrid.
I knew it.She is really smart but her cunning self is even better.
Me: We will talk to him after the match.And try to get something out of him.
Hermione: Okay.
Ron: ookao
Hermione: Can you stop stuffing your face with food for once and answer clearly.
Ron : okay.I said okay.
In not more than 10 minutes ,I got a gift since Hedwig came to deliver something but I am confused.Who will send something to me???
I don't know much People??
The gift turn out to be my personal broom that too the "Nimbus 2000".
When I see around the hall to see who gave it to me.It turns out to be Professor McGonagall.I nodded towards her as a way of appreciation.
It's already 9: 50 now and I am here in the Gryffindors room .Where all the others are also present.Fred and George are also present.Oliver is here and three other girls whom I don't know about.

Oliver is here and three other girls whom I don't know about

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We all get ready and leave the room.As the game start , Gryffindors wins 20 points easily and were ahead of the Slytherins.However soon the Slytherins too got 20 points and two of are players are injured.If this continues we will surely loose.However just now I noticed the snitch and I  fly towards it .But my broom started behaving differently and I just saved myself from falling.After controlling it again,I moved towards the snitch and the other seeker also came towards it.The snitch was going directly towards the ground so the Slytherin seeker got out of the way and I controlled my broom and lift it upwards just as I was about to touch the ground.
I stand up on my broom and soon the snitch was in my hands.I fall down but the snitch was in my hands and we won.All Gryffindors cheered and some Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw too.After the whole celebration that happened in the Gryffindors common room and Ron tried to show off that he is friends with me the night ended at a good note.However I didn't like Ron attitude .He was showing off especially in front of Nev and Dean since they are our roommates.But I shut him off and spend my time with them both and Hermione.
The next day when we got time we talked with hegrid and we got what we needed .We got a name.
That is "Nicholas Flamel".
There are a lot of questions I have??
Who is he???
What's his relationship with the thing??
And what's that thing doing here in Hogwarts??
Why does it need safety??
However I had not one answer.
I hope I got them .With that thought in my mind I drifted off to sleep.

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