Griphook P.O.V

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Mr.potter dropped his blood and words had started to form in each parchment.He picked the first parchment and after reading he had a expression which means that what he had expected was right there on the parchment.He took another parchment and after reading that he was confused.His furrowed and he frowned.Then he pick the last one and read it.After he placed them on the table .He asked
Mr. Potter:How much time does it take to remove blocks placed on your magic .
Me: It depends how many are placed??
He frowned more and I can feel his rage which is increasing with each passing second.He thought for some minutes then he smacked the table and that too with really large force because the table broke down . However after a minute he composed himself and without the use of his wand he rejoined the table exactly as it was earlier.
He knows wandless and wordless magic.It took practice for such things but how can he know that unless someone trained him.Even powerful wizard took time to learn such thing .
He sure is different.No doubt he was able to defeat him at such a early age.
Mr.potter:Well why don't you decide yourself about how much time it's gonna take.
He placed the parchment in front of me and I am shocked how is he still walking without any injury or pain.

Blocks ,spells and charms:
Parseltongue (100% blocked by Albus dumbeldore)(Broken)
Parselmagic(100% blocked by Albus dumbeldore )(Broken 60%)
Animagous(70% blocked by Albus dumbeldore )
Phoenix magical core(100% blocked by Albus dumbeldore)(Broken 15%)
Angel magical core(100% blocked by Albus dumbeldore)
Magic core (80% blocked by Albus dumbeldore )( Broken 20%)
Loyalty charm towards Albus dumbeldore ,the light side and the order of Phoenix.
Trusting charm towards Weasleys.

100000 gallons removed from Potter vaults every year and transferred to Albus dumbeldore.
10000 gallons removed from Potter vaults and transferred to Molly Weasley ,Ginevra Weasley and Ronald Weasley.
1000 gallons removed from Potter vaults every year to Order of Phoenix.

Heir to:
2/4 hogworts
Ancient fury fire and cold Phoenix

Lord to:
Potter Manor
Evan family estate
Ancient Phoenix palace
Peverell family estate
Godric hollow
Grimauld place
Fleamont Manor
Prewett family business.
Bulstrode family place
House of Gaunt

Birth certificate:
Name: Harry Potter
Father: James fleamont Potter( deceased)
Mother: Lily nee Evans( deceased)
Godfather: Sirius Black(alive)
Godmother: Alice long bottom ( deceased)

So many blocks and some are still not broken even by 1%.He must be really strong.He is a phoenix heir after all.It means he will go into creature inheritance when the time will come.And I think ,he will bring changes in the wizarding world too.But he should get rid of these blocks ,they will not only hinder his health but also harm his magic core from growing.And that old coot.The leader of light side what is he doing with the saviour of wizarding world.
Is he really the good person in this all war??or is he same as "You - know-who" .Mr.potter is still waiting so I answered him.
Me: It will take hours to take them all off .But if a quick way is there too but remember it will hurt a lot.
Mr.Pottet: It's okay.Please make it quick I have to leave.
And I would like to make a request.
Me: Well what is it Mr.Potter.
Mr.potter: The thing is all the money that had been taken from my vault , it's getting stolen and it's not Happening with my permission so...
I stopped him.
Me: what do you mean by this Mr.Potter??
All the transactions happened in the past ten year aren't the one you made .
Mr.potter: No it's not.As the whole wizarding world knows I lived in the muggle world .what would my money even help me with in there??
Besides even if I had requested money what would I do with that much amount of money with me.
I don't know what order of Phoenix is ,who Molly Weasley or the others are.
How come my parents and ancestors money is being used and that's not even by me but people I don't know and Gringnotts don't have a clue about this.
It's a serious crime to stole especially from Gringnotts .Our bank is famous for it's safety in the whole of wizarding world and if we can't know such thing it's a shame on all of us goblins which we do not accept.We will have to take drastic measures but first I had to discuss it with Mr.Potter.
Me: well It's a really serious issue.And I apologise for not knowing about it earlier.Stealing money especially from Gringnotts isn't the best thing to do.So I assure you that we would take major steps but I would also like to know that do you want to take your money back along with the long term interest.
Mr.Potter: Actually I would like you to do this.......

Harry P.O.V
I didn't even have to do anything because griphook agreed with what I wanted for him to however he was reluctant at first but he soon agreed after I threatened him a bit saying that I can go to the media saying how Gringnotts has become incompatible for safety now.I wasn't actually going to go.I just threatened him.He got up from his seat and took me to a different room.When I entered in the room there were other goblins too.Griphook motioned me to move in the middle of the room.
He got a liquid in a goblet and asked me to drop my blood in it and drinking it.I did it and soon they all started chanting some spells.I had shut my bond that I share with Noir because he will feel my pain and with him the other person will feel pain too and neither of them deserved it.
And before I can resister what's happening I sharp pain hit me.And it was really painful.It was as if each block is been removed from every single ounce of my body.Cutting the whole of my body into million pieces and then joining them again.I felt unbearable pain and I screamed and I don't know how long it last because I had already lost my consiousness .
I slowly started opening my eyes and squinted them because of the light.When I finally opened my eyes again noir was wrapped around my whole body.If you see it is as if a snake has trapped it's prey for eating it but I know why Noir is like this.He is protecting me since I was unconscious.I got up and set straight against the headboard.There wasn't anyone in this room.But before I could explore more or ask Noir , Griphook walked in from the front door.
Griphook : You are awake Mr.Potter.
All your blocks have been removed and I suggest you to take this.
He handed me a vial and I was contemplating whether to drink it or not but Noir nudged me and drank it.I trust him completely.
After that I talked to griphook one last time and left the bank not before saying" May your gold flow prospertiously". It's a tradition about which Noir told me.Griphook was surprised but he soon recovered and answered back with " May your enemies fall at your feet". It's almost one hour and I know the shadow has vanished since I can feel it.I ran wherever Noir told me too and soon I found Hagrid .He was searching for me .I don't know how long but when I approached him and said that I was lost I saved myself from revealing such a important thing.
Hagrid had bought a owl for me as a birthday present and Noir isn't liking it.He is seeing Hedwig yes it's her name as a competitor.I said to Noir that no one can take his place in my life and he is special to me.And he got somewhat distracted but I know we will need to talk about this again later.
Hedwig already left saying he has to go .I got to the station and now between platform 9 and 10 .
I have to go to platform no.9 3/4 .I watched and soon notice a group of redheads talking about muggles.They must be going to Hogwarts too.After they all went into the wall between 9 and 10.I did exactly same and found a lot of students with their families on the platform.
I wonder if my parents were alive would we have also come here like this for my first year??
What's the use of thinking such things??
As these things was overwhelming me I entered in the train and after a lot of searching reached at the last compartment of train.Since it's last, I don't think anybody will come here anyway.I needed sleep that too right now.For knowing what my shadow did when I wasn't there and also because of the test.
I put my trunk under the berth and sat on it and soon laid town.And I was out like a light as soon as my back touch the berth.

So I made a change in goblins personality but whatever.

Actually while I was scrolling down some drarry stories , I came across Cedric X Harry story and now I want to make one.But I want to make it happen in this story.So I might make it a polyamory .
I won't make Draco and Cedric involved in romantic way .Harry will be the mate of both of them so they will somehow come to a agreement and will become frenemies.
I know I am suddenly Changing the idea but I just wanted to so I am going to write it.
Hope you like it.
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