Chapter 3

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Your head was spinning and you tried not to freak out on the spot. This was your worst nightmare. How could this happen to you?

Oh, yeah right. My stupid ass ex cheated on me and I thought it was a good idea to kiss a stranger in the cab and then sleep with him. Oh, by the way, he's my new boss. Congratulations!

"Here are the files, Sir", you told him handing him them with shaking hands while you silently cursed at yourself because of how stupid you must sound.

He cocked his eyebrow so shortly that you almost didn't notice it. In his eyes was so much disregard and coldness that it gave you icy chills up the spine.

He didn't even thank you and took the files. He didn't waste a single glance at Seojun and kept piercing you with his inscrutable eyes.

"Welcome, Miss Y/N. I expect flawless work from you", he demanded in such a monotone voice that you seriously asked yourself if it was the same man from this morning.

"Of course, Sir", you said bowing and clenched your hands together to hide your trembling.

"I want the files about the current state of the market in China on my desk by four", he requested and turned around without uttering any other word.

As soon as he had left the room you noticed that you were holding your breath and exhaled shakily.

"Oh my god, Y/N. It was like the temperature fell down to -50°C", she said coming over to you to comfort you, "how did he know your name? He doesn't know any name of the employees here."

"I don't know..", you said. You came up with a lie since you didn't know if you could trust her or if she was one of those gossip girls.

"Maybe he read my file", you said sitting on your chair to calm down, "one thing is sure: he does not like me."

"No, don't say that. He's like that to everyone", she said patting your back, "you can make him like you if you work hard. He won't show that he likes you though. But at least he'll leave you alone."

You chuckled and nodded. "Thank you", you said and turned on your computer, "I'd better start working now if I want to finish that file in time."

"Sure, if you need any help, just say it", she said and gave you a reassuring smile. You nodded and smiled back.

After more than four hours of very exhausting research you were actually able to finish up the file.

"Yes, finally! I'm done", you said and sighed leaning back in your chair. You rubbed your temples and closed your eyes for a short while.

"Wow, you were pretty fast", Seojun said and nodded approvingly, "I think you're going to make him like you."

"Thanks", you said laughing and shook your head, "but I think he still won't like me."

You went through what you worked on one more time and decided it was good enough for him. Hopefully.

"Ready to go to the lion's den?", she joked trying to make you feel not too tensed about him.

"Not really", you said giving her a weak smile, "but he won't stop me. I really want to keep this position."

"There you go, girl", she said winking before you left the room.

But still, you were pretty nervous when you were in the elevator up to the highest floor. You counted your breaths to calm yourself and thought of how important this was to you. You wouldn't let a simple one night stand get in your way.

You approached the big non see-through glass door and gently knocked on it.

"Come in", his deep voice sounded and you took a deep breath before you entered.

He was standing behind his desk with crossed arms and faced you with his back.

The office was located so high that he could overlook the whole city through the ceiling high windows. His office was so huge and luxurious you could only dream of it.

"Here is the file you wanted", you said bowing and put it on his desk feeling pretty intimidated.

He didn't say anything and also didn't turn around so you turned to go. But then you changed your mind.

"Are we going to talk about what happened last night?", you asked cautiously, "I'm sorry I kicked-"

"Miss Y/N", he said turning towards you and gave you a stern look, "I don't know what you're talking about. You should really separate personal matters from your working life."

"Yes, I'm sorry, Sir", you said bowing and bit your inner cheek. You shouldn't have talked about it.

"You can go now", he said coldly and you left.

"F*ck", you cursed as you closed the door behind you.

"I heard that", he called after you and you closed your eyes groaning. You completely messed up on your first day. Great.

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