Chapter 8

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"Okay, now breathe with me", he said in his deep calm voice and lifted you on his lap wrapping his arms around you protectively, "inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale..."

You did as you were told and you tried your best to focus on his voice and not on the fact that you were about to take off.

You kept breathing and you felt a bit relieved as your ribcage slowly relaxed. Your whole body was shaking and you closed your eyes exhausted.

You felt so safe in his arms and together with the sound of his voice, his steady breathing and his heartbeat you slowly doze off.
He smiled softly at your sleeping figure on his lap. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and admired your peaceful face. You were asleep for the rest of the flight and he only woke you up after you had already landed.

"Miss Y/N, we're here", he said gently shaking you to wake you up. You groaned and slowly opened your eyes. You blinked a few times until you realized you were still on his lap and your faces only a few inches apart.

You sat straight up and covered your face in your hands embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry, Sir", you said quickly getting up and searched for the right words, "I didn't mean to- I wasn't..."
"Why didn't you tell me about your fear of flying?", he said getting up as well and smoothed his suit.

"I- I didn't want to jeopardize the trip. I really wanted to accompany you and I thought I'd be alright", you said looking  dejectedly to the floor.

"I would have appreciated it if you had told me sooner so we could have found a solution", he scolded you but in a gentle way because he knew you were still worn out from the flight.

"Yes, Sir", you said bowing. "Let's go now", he said and you both grabbed your bags. A car with a driver waited for you on the runway right in front of the plane.

You got inside at the back of the car and stayed silent.

"So tonight is the big dinner. Will you be alright?", he asked looking to the side to check on you.

"Yes, of course. You can count on me. I'm perfectly prepared", you reassured him.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at your room at 7.45 pm and we will have dinner at 8pm", he instructed you, "and the deal hopefully at 9pm."

You arrived at your hotel and he showed you to your room before he went to his. It was so elegant and luxurious that you actually had to call it a suite.

"Wow", you gasped and let yourself fall on the super soft bed. It felt as if you were lying on clouds.

You checked the time and sighed. It was already past six so if you wanted to be ready in time, you'd have to go for a shower now and get ready.

You put your hair in a loose but pretty updo and applied little yet glamorous makeup. You pulled the dress out of your suitcase and slipped in. You were pretty happy with the result.

You decided to go for a floor-length dress with a round neckline which was made of a flowing black fabric. It was simple yet very elegant with the strings on the back and the cut on the right side.
You pinned up the last strand of your hard when you heard a gentle knock on your door.

"Coming", you said loudly grabbing your matching purse and mumbled, "showtime."

You opened the door making him turn around to you. He froze and travelled his dark eyes over your body. His face stayed straight but you knew that you managed to blow his mind. He offered you his arm and you smiled politely.

You went down to the reception of the hotel and then walked down the hallway to the entrance of the hotel's renowned restaurant.

Jungkook opened the swing door for you and you entered the huge, glamorous hall. It was filled with a lot of fine dressed people sitting around tables across the hall.

You attracted a lot of views when you walked in with him and suddenly you felt so ridiculous wearing this stupid dress with no back. But you forgot about all the looks when you felt Jungkook's warm hand lingering over the bare skin on your lower back.

"Please follow me", he said in low voice near your ear causing a pleasant tingling in your stomach. He led you to a table in the back of the restaurant where many men in expensive suits sat.

They all got up to greet you and you realised you were the only woman. You had to get a hold of yourself to focus on the dinner and not think about his touch.

"Jungkook", a man said loudly who just arrived and pat him on the back, "that's a really beauty you have as assistant there."

His expression turned stone cold and you tried not to pull a face when that man who you recognised as the CEO of the company you wanted to make a deal with sat down right next to you.

"Let's talk business, Ji-hawn", Jungkook said in a strained way and you shifted in your seat.

"Relax, Jungkook", he said laughing loudly. You were glad that the food was served right after and you could start negotiating the deal.

You weren't going to lie, he was very similar to Jungkook, attractive and successful, but he made you feel uncomfortable.

After you presented the numbers and tried to convince the other business men that it would be best for them to make a deal with your company, you noticed that your charm could set things into motion.

You used it as your advantage and it worked but you didn't notice how mad Jungkook got.

I Kissed A Stranger In The Back of A CabNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ